note: this guide was created with new players in mind who do not have veteran players to assist them - there are better gear choices for new 119 characters such as escha abjuration armor - following this to the end is the real prize of x12 of each rem's tale chapters!. Please add anything if it is needed, and take away anything that is either untrue or not needed. That's me with no armor. Sharpshot can be used when a monster uses a defense-boost ability, so you can land your Acid Bolts better. I am attempting to level Thief from 1-75 by Soloing. However, it can be useful for Dancing Edge in case one or more swings missed. Please Note that when you fight the Yagudo, you want to head to the North Most part of the Map on the Road towards Tahrongi Canyon. If this isn't your first job, get an expbandand make it 10x faster. Those are very assassin-esque, and basically all that Thief ever uses. Meaning if you normally deal 200 damage, you can deal about 300 damage. The Steal+1 is useful for stealing, obviously, but that’s about it. Probably out of date, as I no longer play FFXI. The two main stats a Thief needs are dexterity and agility. Hume, being the most rounded race, doesn’t skimp on either. Personally, I could see this being another alternative support job. Not only do they lower their defense, but if a Crab uses its defense-boosting ability, you can dispel it using them. When looking for weapons, you want to pick higher damage over lower delay, and anything that gives you a decent boost to attack, accuracy, dexterity, agility, or anything good. At least it was for me, but I just have bad luck (you should’ve seen me on the AF quest where you have to gamble three Goblins, I was there for three hours). Charisma also helps for Dancing Edge, one of the best weapon skills a Thief gets. He made the base (Top comments and gear to 37), whereas I have made the suggestions up to 50. As THF/WAR early on, you should use a Sword weapon, particularly something that gives a decent stat boost and/or high damage. Low charisma can be easily made-up by tons of other equipment. Another option for subjob is Dancer. Say, solo farming Omen for Detritus with only trust attack buffs. From 20-29, you’ll just be doing the same stuff you did in Valkurm, except at 25, you get Flee, which is seriously nice for escaping any links or just getting around. In these levels, you start doing your limit breaking and artifact quests. For Bhaf2 use Aeolian Edge as every WS on Cerb, and his PDT won't build as much, where-as if you spam Physical WS, you'll be doing 0 damage every swing when it's got 10% HP left. At Lv.15 is when Thief starts becoming a good job. But he was using Bloody Bolts to keep himself alive. Please do not delete or add anything to this guide. This job ability is the sole purpose of Thieves. Neither of which, unfortunately, have any meaning until Lv.30+. You have a better chance of finding the drops for G1, for G2, it’s no easier or harder, and the other three are easily soloed by Thief. It assumes that you will be fairly well geared and knowledgeable. Fight mostly any monster. Enano es un/una raza de World of Warcraft Clásico. Thief doesn’t get any heavy scale or plate armor, but it does get pretty much everything else. To see a side by side comparison of Artifact/Relic sets visit Thief Artifact/Relic Sets Comparison. It will largely be played as a damage dealer and specifically a skillchain closer as they have some of the strongest WS's in the damage. Thief isn’t so much a thief as it is an assassin. EDIT: The other reply also brings up a good point. This is a great guide that will tell you where to Level for each level. Here is a list of what I used when I was Level 10 until I reached Level 17. From Lv.10 until the end of Lv.14, Thief is like a Warrior, but with little attack power and even less defense. Batcher's CP Camp Guide. ), For some end game events (HNMs) Thief's are also useful for their. Safeguard Ring x 2 for an Extra +4 to Defense (These are about 2k each on Midgardsormr at Jueno AH). If you can buy one, try getting a Jack-o’-Lantern, since they last three hours and will boost your accuracy, ranged-accuracy, and evasion by 10 each. You get both Treasure Hunter and Sneak Attack, two very job-defining things. This allows for more frequent SAWS, TAWS, and SATAWS. However, this combination is generally left until about Lv.60, when Thief will provide Trick Attack, and thus helping keep hate on the tank instead of stealing it all for yourself. There are a variety of job combinations that can do the things described in this guide, but the same basic strategy applies. After that, all the tank has to do is use Provoke, and he or she shouldn’t ever lose enmity. Siempre actualizado al último parche (1.13.6). Sharpshot and Scavenge are nice too, since they both have five-minute recast timers, meaning any placeholder with a five-minute respawn can be much more easily picked out. Either way, you don’t have to worry about the last three until 60, 65, and 70. I suggest getting this as early as possible, even though it’s quite hard to get. The intelligence +5 is hardly anything compared to both DEX and AGI+3 from the Emperor Hairpin. then it does sleepga (skeleton) wipes my shadows -.- bomb his me for 470hp. A draft of a guide on how to solo in FFXI. Every Thief by 75 naturally has TH2, and most are expected to have the Thief’s Knife to provide a total of TH3. This is not a community collaborative guide. The most often-used sub by Thieves. It gives a nice boost to defense and HP, but that’s about it. Levels Sixteen through Eighteen: Fight Yagudo Mendicant, Yagudo Persecutor and Yagudo Piper. Also useful for later on skilling-up with Hand-to-Hand. Anything said here is seriously exaggerated. It’s also one of the most annoying things to learn, and why most people don’t invite Thieves (because most people just screw it up and make the better Thieves look bad). The only downside to Taru Thieves are their low strength, but that’s pretty much negligible after Lv.15 when Sneak Attack is present. For these Levels, you can head into Tahrongi Canyon for the Time Being. Another use is to have a free Invisible effect for a short time. Talk to Elfriede at J-9 to start a cutscene with another NPC. Pick up some Bronze Harness gear and at 7, some Leather gear, and you’ll be ready to go. Final Fantasy XI, also known as Final Fantasy XI Online, is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), developed and published by Square (later Square Enix) as the eleventh main installment of the Final Fantasy series. One is to drop all enmity. Even if the high defense and HP boost weren’t there, or if they didn’t give you another boost to Steal, the huge agility +4 increase is enough to make any Thief want to wear them until 73. However, if you can put-up with them, it’s truly worth it. It’s a support-role job that never takes hate. Otherwise, Thief is just used for a damage-dealer, and in a few cases (namely parties) hate control. I'd easily get him down 10-12 pts before he'd pull me in again. They also have quite decent dexterity and agility for their Sneak Attack and Trick Attack. This article is a guide. I suggest buying one Garrulous Ring and one Unyielding Ring, as those are the best things you can get until the elemental rings in the final levels. Nothing about it is very thief-like, except for two job ability's called Steal (It has a five-minute cool-down timer and rarely ever steals anything, If it does it usually sucks anyway.) If you can, try to acquire a Rapparee Harness. The stat intelligence is also credited for being better for opening chests and coffers, but this is unknown. Changes or questions should be discussed on the talk page. However, with Martial Arts, you can get some nice damage. Third Eye can make-up for a loss in Utsusemi if you pull. Until Lv.30, you’ll want to stack up as high as possible on any evasion, defense, and/or accuracy enhancing equipment. Moderate HP and vitality also help keep the job’s survivability super-high. This guide is based on opinions of the original author, Andres, and me. On top of which, Warcry (available at level 70) can be used just before skillchains to boost damage even higher. Went in as BLU/THF with augmented Bayld gear. I remember watching a THF buddy of mine, not sure if he'd call me that lol, solo a CoP fight for us. Thief’s AF gloves, pants, and feet pieces are useful, but the other two aren’t. Levels One and Two: Fight Tiny Mandragora and Bumble Bee, Levels Three through Five: Fight Savanna Rarab, Levels Six through Eight: Fight Goblin Weaver, Goblin Thug and Crawler, Levels Nine and Ten: Giant Bee, Yagudo Scribe, Yagudo Initiate and Yagudo Acolyte. These are unfortunately your most pathetic levels and will almost guaranteed you put off Thief for life. If you don't have 100% TP at the start of a fight, don’t use SATA at the start. Why? One other set worth getting is the Cobra Cap set, which provides accuracy and increases TP gain per hit. Your Lv.56 leg pieces are your best pieces, and will last you a long time. On the other hand, Thief also has Sneak Attack and Trick Attack. Royal Footman's Vest which gave Resistance to Ice +5 This video is my first going over the event of Odyssey. This job ability is the sole purpose of Thieves. Also Note that the Experience you will receive from kills will be no more than 100 per kill and you may have to rest between fights. Not only will it make soloing a lot easier through defense and evasion bonuses, but it will also allow you to rest HP without losing TP, and will also earn you conquest points with which to spend on items. Most people see Thief as a damage-dealer, but really, it’s a support-role job that can keep hate control at a maximum, close awesome skillchains, pull, and enfeeble its targets with its marksmanship. If you fight the little Sapling monsters, stealing from them can be even better. Since Thief already gets high dexterity and agility, it makes up for Elvaan’s natural loss. You can fight these monsters in here continuously without Interruption from others and without fear of getting aggro from any mobs. After a final, brief cutscene, you’ll have your Marauder’s Knife. This quest is a pain in the rump. The second purpose for Thief as a support job is Treasure Hunter, available to anyone subbing Thief by Lv.30, helping with drop rates and farming overall. A Spike Necklace is great from 21-on, and if you’re really rich or lucky, you can pick up a Peacock Charm. To see a side by side comparison of the Empyrean sets visit Raider's Sets Comparison. With Fields of Valor combined with an Exp Ring Soloing to lv 15 is quite a easy task. Go to Lower Jeuno and talk to Harnek at J-7 inside the Tenshodo headquarters behind the tavern front. First, you go to Windurst Woods and talk to the Cat Burglar, Nanaa Mihgo. =[it is worth considering for use with bloody bolts, higher int raises the hp you drain]= Unless, of course, intelligence boosting your coffer-picking is true, then it does have a second use. I am attempting to level Thief from 1-75 by Soloing. Even if they’re useless in parties, they can be macroed in for Steal and an increased Flee duration by 50%. As of 2014, Assault can now be entered by 1-6 players. Basically only use up your TP at the start of a fight, don’t waste it mid-fight. Please note this guide is a current work in progress and will be updated as I continue to level Thief. It provides the most survivable job with even more survivability and increases its damage over time. If all that fails, you have Perfect Dodge and Flee too. Though Hasso and Seigan don’t work, Store TP, Meditate, and Zanshin sure do. Great for camping notorious monsters because of Widescan. Galka make by far the most survivable Thieves in the game, combining huge evasion and enormous defense and hit points. Plus, it’s 100% accurate. In this video I explain how to solo Yorcia Alluvion Skirimish. These mobs will not aggro you and will not link to the others in this area. This is an underrated sub in parties. It can be used once per minute, and if timed right will save you from getting hit from a close pull. High HP and vitality make Thief’s already high survivability even higher. The same goes for Drain Samba II- adding around 15 HP restored every time you land a hit. Combining Thief's naturally high accuracy and evasion with Dancer's consistent draining and healing properties, this is an unstoppable combination. Next is your useless-as-hell hat. Once you hit Lv.33, you get Viper Bite, which increases your damage by 1.5x after all of that. The How-To Guides are user created guides editable by anyone. This is typically useful for pulling, but as long as you pull from the maximum distance you shouldn’t ever take a hit anyway. For example, using Aspir Samba on an MP-bound monster such as Crabs or mage-type Beastmen, to provide your party's Paladins, Dark Knights, and Blue Mages a Refresh-like effect, gaining small chunks of MP every time they land a hit. You know what you could do is use a Sword with a Dagger in the offhand (subbing Ninja) to keep it leveled throughout. Congratulations! This guide will give concise, yet comprehensive, instructions on completing each Assault, as well as giving a recommended job/subjob combination, difficulty level, and number of players needed. Dynamis-Qufim ffxi, thf solo with cs and cleaar final fantasy 11 Choose damage over delay, especially in Valkurm levels. Arrapago Remnants II as THF sub PUP by Spicyryan. Been trying to solo lady Lilith for a few weeks now. Otherwise, it’s best to avoid this sub after 30. chi blasted it, began to tank, shadows fell put them back up utsusemi ni, and then thf gets blood aggro, and somehow i get hate from it.. 2 mobs swingin away at me. ... In-Depth Leveling Guide From 1-75 : FFXI General Discussions Designed and produced by Hiromichi Tanaka, it was released in Japan on May 16, 2002, for PlayStation 2 and Microsoft Windows-based personal computers in … I sadly don’t see a lot of Tarutaru Thieves.