2 Fe (s) + 6 HCl (aq) -> 2 FeCL3 (s) + 3 H2 (g) 12.2 grams of Fe reacts with excess of HCl. Don't confuse the assigned oxidation numbers with actual charges on atoms in compounds. When wet it is corrosive to aluminum and most metals. oxidation state of Fe in FeCl3 is +3. 1. It is much like balancing O with water and H with H+ in acidic solutions. Since iron is in the oxidation state +2, the compound is called iron (ii) chloride. Fe2S3(s) + 6HCl(aq) ¡æ 3H2S(g) + 2FeCl3(aq) Molar Mass (g/mol) HCl 36.461 FeCl3 … Academic Partner. The oxidation number of Fe (s) 5. Since FeCl3 has no overall charge, the compound have a neutral charge, and therefore the oxidation state of Fe … Pick up and remove spilled solid before adding water.It is used to treat sewage, industrial waste, to purify water, as an etching agent for engraving circuit boards, and in the manufacture of other chemicals. The extra stability of #FeCl_3# can be explained by the fact that the central #Fe# atom is in the +3 formal oxidation state, and therefore has 5 electrons in its #3d# orbitals. The oxidation number of Ni (s) 2. When naming coordination compounds, the roman numeral is the oxidation number of the transition metal. Or we could do it the "wrong" way, but simpler way. The oxidation state of a neutral compound is zero, e.g., What is the oxidation state of Fe in FeCl 3? A lot of Fe Cl2 is formed. The element that is oxidized and the element that is reduced 8. It is called ferric chloride indicating a trivalent iron compound (+3 oxidation state) The oxidation number of Fe in the FeCl2 (aq) 3. I'll try to answer this. B. The oxidation number of Cl in the FeCl2 (aq) 4. Answer: Cl has an oxidation state of -1. The oxidation state of iron in K 2 FeO 4 is... A. Ferrous chloride can also be used to regenerate hydrochloric acid. +2. The oxidation number of Ni in the NiCl2 (aq) 6. This is exactly half of the maximum number (10) that can be accommodated, so it represents a particularly stable situation. you know chloride has a charge of -1. since we have 3 chlorides we know that the total negative charge would be -3. and since we only have 1 iron we know the oxidation # is +3 for iron (It is a vast oversimplification that metal-nonmetal bonds are "ionic.") Ask question + 100. And the bonds in FeCl3 have even more covalent character. Since FeCl3 is not ionized as Fe3+ and Cl- we technically must use the species as they exist, meaning FeCl3(s) and augment that with Fe3+ and Cl- to balance iron and chlorine, knowing that they will cancel out at the end. The algebraic sum of the oxidation states in an ion is equal to the charge on the ion. Only when FeCl2 or FeCl3 dissolves in water, where the water breaks the bonds between iron and chlorine, do actual ions form. Fe (III) is more stable than Fe (II) , but additional energy is needed to take that extra electron out. Since there are 3 Cl atoms the negative charge is -3. Hello there! Cl has oxidation number -1 in this case Fe share 3 electrons with Cl so its oxidation state is +3. D. +5. So, if you were dealing with Fe 2+, the oxidation number would be (II), and if it were Fe 3+ it would be (III), and so on. So Iron has an oxidation state of 3 here. Ferric chloride is an orange to brown-black solid. In this case, we have to figure out the oxidation number of Fe in [FeCl 3 (H 2 O) 3]-. Since iron is in the oxidation state +3, the compound is called iron (iii) chloride. It is called ferrous chloride indicating a bivalent iron compound (+2 oxidation state) FeCl3. +3. It is slightly soluble in water.It is noncombustible. Only very small amount of Fe Cl3 is formed when Iron reacts with H Cl acid. The oxidation number of Cl in the NiCl2 (aq) 7. C. +4.