so bad for you, honey is just loaded with fructose, empty carbs, no protein with it bad idea and no it ruins this diet. This provides the much-needed energy boost at this point and this will be a stock for your energy needs for the day. I am in the 5th day of my diet but I don’t feel much change in my body. To those living in tropical countries, cassava or sweet potato may be used instead of the regular potato, as long as there is no sugar added to the meal. One thing is constantly bothering me. Day 5 and 6, 3 eggs max per meal or legumes with good fat work as well. i will update to all in evening, can i add.. salt to baked potatoes on day 2. Sure it can, peanuts are the worst nut for you by far. not good, that fat is vital for good losses, please read each day carefully and follow the plan. In the morning when I took weight I was 92.2 Kg…. I was not overweight but wanted to have a little change in my diet…. I assume you are 1005 gluten and sugar free already correct? You are causing the fire by eating poor foods. And when I say kill it, I truly mean kill it. Those sauces normally have sugar, wheat, and MSG just to name a few things. I am trying this program for the 5th time Had wondersoup in dinner… though felt hungry but I survived…Day 3 morning now and feeling better than yesterday , Hi Admin – please advice is its ok to use a lil oil and salt for a stirfry on day 2 and 3. Height = 5.3 And how is soya chunks junk food ? GM Diet day 2. 4) yes, you can mix the veg up some as well. Hi, On day 2 I didn’t start my day with boiled Potato. Should i take only boiled plain milk without anything? Thanks. Can I have boiled vegetables on day 4 along with 3 bananas and curd ? im in day 2 Ive lost 1.5 LB. snack – 8 strawberries + 1 glass of water some recipes have wheat also, lentils that’s fine. No fruits at all, all the sweet cravings can be satiated in lunch with cherry tomatoes, No peas, carrots or corn as this would cut back our detoxification process. Today is my first day and i consumed one cucumber with melon…will it affect my diet in anyway? Hi I’m on day 3. 2 spoons of Canola/Olive oil, mustard seeds, Curry Leaves, fried…. Is Coconut water allowed on day 2? sorry, Hi.. On day 2. Lunch – Subway salad with honey mustard and sweet onion dressing (regretting the dressing) Today is Day0 – First day before diet you can have it any day you like as you feel you need more food. no plantains. i am on day 2 had 2 boiled potato with little ghee salt pepper n lemon n 1 cup of green tea Hi or can we eat the veggies in it? raw cucumber, carrots, mula, lettuce…. Try asking on our new forum. eveninga lso might take one banana and anotehr glass of milk… Will i get good result at the end of day 7 if im perfect or shall I start it from next week? It is important to keep the stomach heavy during breakfast as this would keep the body energized the rest of the day. I am totally confused. Lunch-wonder soup Will see what happens today….! Hi. What m eating is all steamed ones…. just wanted to check can i have at least one glass of milk everyday?? Had boiled potato with some tomato n chilli in breakfast soy is over manufactured, heavily machined and over processed at too high a heat. for Day2,don’t have any raw cabbage or lettuce. Sorry, I don’t get chewing gum. Is that not good too? Please suggest if i can have recipes like Carrot Khosambari or any other vegetable and sprout Khosambari for lunch on Day 2. coconut water, yes, if you feel well enough to workout sure…, Can I use Dijon Mustard with steamed vegetables on day2? Here’s what Day 2 says: Day Two All vegetables. I wanted to see if I gain weight after the diet. No peas, no corn, no carrot and for sure no beans. just curious. What can i have if I feel too hungry? I don’t know how long I can handle being hungry, and I’m also concerned that it is not very beneficial for my weight loss goal as the body goes into starvation mode. Morning – 2 Glass Water I started the Diet yesterday. Also let me know whether we can have carrot on the 2nd day . on day 2..when having that soup…for saute…substitution of olive oil.? Life is now going to get easier because Day 2 is not as bad as Day 1. I did not have good sleep yesterday – cramps and headache was a bit too much. I have stocked 3 tomatoes out of which 2 goes for 4 pm and 1 as spare (lol, trying hard to not eat it). 2-green apple Keep going . However vegetarians need something. Lunch-Cucumber and beet root What can i have instead of potatoes on Second day??? no carrot. NO honey (aka sugar) is not allowed. had 1 medium size watermelon, 2 pears, 2 pomogranates, 2 strawberries and 1orange and 3 bottles of water. .will do so on round two. No black eyed peas, who cares if it has fiber. Hello I have planned to day completely with fruits. Thank you very much. How about alcohol? Always consult with a licensed dietician and a doctor before embarking on any dieting program. i have thyroid problem…so i cant use cabbage and how can i replace it with other veggis, sure go for it, keep in mind they need to be veg that are similar, carbless, etc. You can possibly still lose with it. No I didn’t !! Could not drink a lot of water though- intake was about 6 glasses. Drink lots of water and go for a week if you can! in lunch am having a bowl with some cabbage,half capsicum n 1 tomato n for seasoning lemon salt n pepper. anything wrong i did? i completed my first day of diet with watermelon,apple and is my 2nd day.wat to eat for lunch? Snack on lighter vegetables which are tasty too. It’s pure carbs. read the ingredients of many soya chunks and tell me how it’s health food. Boiled beans.. Morning I had for breakfast, one whole cucumber and cherry tomatoes and two glasses of waterwater! Since the morning breakfast was already too heavy so you must keep the mid morning’s snack restricted to a few slices of vegetables. today is my day 4 and I had 1 banana in the morning and two glasses of milk… drinking water till noon and then I willagain eat one banana.. Adele. ..I am on day 2 of the Gm diet, day one was not as hard as I thought it would be except for having to wake up to pass urine more than twice probably because I drunk too much water and green tea during the day. This is way off and totally wrong. Day 1, bad idea drinking juices. Is it ok to use mustard? Now at 68. Day 2 is a potato and some good fat like ghee to start. Consume heavy fruits around mid evening snack and a few slices even for dinner to aid supplemental fiber for day 2. Day 2 I have salad for breakfast sure thing, keep in mind though cheap vitamins can work heavily against you, please make sure you research the source of where your vitamins come from. After a day full of fruits your body should be loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. This day is dedicated to fruits. Hi! Quick question…are we only supposed to be drinking the broth day 1? Breakfast: 2 tomatoes (a pinch of pepper and salt so it’ll be good.. 1-pomegranate 12 glasses of water (10 plain + 2 lime water) Mild stair climbing coupled with a small walk. Is fruit not already sweet? Morning i ate one boiled potato but without butter, Shall i have that for dinner. Was more then motivated to read comments and so started this diet. i also had one mango on day i and one mango juice on Day 3. So I’d like to share today’s menu with you: Soup all days fine. I feel weak and lightheaded. my target is 45kgs.. this is day 2! exercise must be light first few days – you have no protein so be careful.