he’ll do it every once in a while because he likes the way you smile when he gives them to you. I spent 24/7 thinking about this man shirtless, your honor. “It’s January. (no spoilers please!). All post time skip! you : so, yeah. Four of them seemed to be particularly interested in you, but you didn't think anything special about it, after all, they just want to be nice. what will the next nine months of your life with your s/o look like? He didn't really like human contact at all, but with you he was somehow different, he liked to talk to you, even sometimes hugging you after a win, but you couldn't see his dirty grin, when he felt your breasts pressing firmly against his chest. Omegaverse, PJO, HP, Modern, different anime settings, etc! oh my goodness i just read the ones about "his crush drawing a heart on his hand" and i'm jus bout died😭 could you maybe add yams, suga, and kenma? You hate him almost as much as you love him. the kind that explicitly shows you their love. THINGS THEY DO . When you text Kuroo because looking at him makes you horny Boyfriend Texts with Noya ... See more posts like this on Tumblr. God, you hate him. kuroo snakes his arms around your waist and eyes the papers messily laid across your desk.Â, “... are you willing to help?” you aks, turning your head to look at him. synopsis: and here comes issei, the neighbor who lives right across the hall, redefining the concept of love as what you always thought was just “one.”, genre: fluff, comfort fic of some sorts, domestic au, issei as the cute neighbor heh, and here you are, at thirty years old dancing in a dark room, the moonbeams your spotlight.Â, there’s a couple envelopes on the table: one a wedding invitation while the other is just the electricity bill for the month. But just as he opens his mouth to make a snarky comment, you press a finger to his lips and pat his head, which is slightly bowed. Characters I write for (bold are priority characters) (There are some personalities I don’t know too well yet): Tsukishima KeiKageyama TobioHinata ShoyoSugawara KoushiNishinoya Yuu, (Ask me for others that I may have forgotten/not added). Hinata, who always picked you up after every game in bridal style and pressed you against him while he was cheering, the hand that held you, was tight on your butt what made you blushing mess. <3. tag list: @tetsuswhore ; @callmekda ; @rotn-decay ; @saturnfarie ; @dinablossom ; @urbasicaveragegirl l ; @dandelily ; @chichibia ; @kuroos-babie ; @daylightari ; @xxthunderthighs ; @lil-peetie ; @tetsuskitten ; @bella77234 ; @kpop-kk ; @kevbffie ; @rachelexe ; @winunk ; @starry-magicshop ; @legendaryflower ; @i-like-anime-hoe ; @aktregoning ; @boosyboo9206 ; @ptv-hades ; @mymelodysbreakfastburrito ; @kuroosacchi ; @oikawaandkuroostan ; @bakudad ; @starrydaisy ; @memorableminds ; @karasunoluvbot ; @angrylittlezizi ; @nightmareupondaydream ; @halesandy ; @rowley-with-ackerman ; @miss-butterworth ; @coffeeaddictedmay ; @not-another-ackerman ; @tsukkisfatsimp ; @fxturestargirl ; @prettyinblack231 ; @landabovesea ; @rintarousbitch ; @calumsfringe ; @bbkiyoomi ; @elianetsantana ; @daisawa ; @thevillagehiddenintheinternet ; @softiebadbitch ; @rinsangel ; @akkaso ; @camcam1617 ; @mkkhaikyuu ; @its-babybitch ; @seijqhigh ; @peteunderoos ; + I apologise if i have missed you out (majority of the blogs i haven’t tagged, tumblr just isnt allowing me to tag you!! ) genre(s): college!au, fake dating, angst, fluff, mutual pining, enemies to lovers (kinda), eventual smut See a recent post on Tumblr from @incorrect-hq-quotes about haikyuu!!. Hope you enjoy! ESPECIALLY without credit given ─ or it's on SIGHT, thank you !! the one that takes you on spontaneous dates, has a polaroid picture of you on his clear phone case, worships your body, compliments you every single day, always manages to talk about you in every conversations, thinks about you 24/7, watches concerts with you… his grandma will help him organize them so that they look like they’re from a boutique. the kind of red wine you like-- not the one you had to settle with because it was the only thing in your parent’s pantry-- in a glass on the table.Â. warnings: NSFW!! he’s approached you a couple of times but you’ve dismissed him for all of them. “Tetsu, love, can you get that for me?” you point to a book on a shelf. He silently listens at your complaints and the things you hate about your boyfriend. “bokuto turn a r o u n d” ... that’s the most you’ve heard him say at once ; futakuchi. > Genre/Warnings: teasing, fluff, suggestive themes. ... he wasn’t always the most vocal or showing of the fact he was your boyfriend but you knew he loved you, and you loved him. “Hard game?” you ask, running a hand across his dyed locks. You comply, scratching your nails over his skin. Table of contents ... -oh my lord when you're playing volleyball and you're all sweaty is a BIG TURN TO HIM -mostly his eyes are on them thighs of yours . You watch as your boyfriend’s brows furrow, his bottom lip catching between his teeth. don't take him wrong ─ he'd look unfazed, not really a poker face but a face of somewhat content and a face of satisfaction; he loved hearing those words from you, it was one of the most repeated words you two said to each other ─ three damn words that never fail to make his little unfazed thing he tried going on to crumble and fall apart just like what you did to him with your words (he can just imagine what you're able to fo to him with your bare hands, how you're able to make his legs jelly, fall on his knees just for you by just your words). Today the arcade was mostly empty, minus a few older boys in the back, you and … i’m helping you, you’re guaranteed to succeed with me as your tutor...”Â, you look up and slightly glares at him. “am i supposed to feel better or was that just a self-compliment?”, “you’re supposed to feel better,” he says, looking down at you and leans down to bump his forehead against yours.Â, - sitting on kuroo’s lap, his arms around your waist as he dozes off while you finish homeworkÂ, - one hand taking notes, the other in intertwined with his. Neither of you officially called it a date, but you knew perfectly that it felt like one. Since you’re somewhat assured that he wouldn't one day come home and announce to you that he has fallen in love with someone. He needa more love pls. KISSES. Spoilers to manga end for Iwa! Haikyuu Boyfriend Scenarios!! being pregnant is an indescribable exciting journey that brings various revelations; congrats! All post time skip! He rests his head in your lap, golden irises looking upwards into yours. Tsukki didn’t have volleyball practice that afternoon, so you both decided to hang out after school. He looks up from his phone, brows furrowing slightly when he sees that the book is on a shelf you can reach just fine. You wouldn't take your job as manager of the Black Jackals lightly. 👉🏻👈🏻 if that's alright?🥺, pairings: sugawara x reader, kenma x reader, yamaguchi x reader, a/n: hiii bby!! please refrain from copying & plagiarizing my layout and original works, and also please don't share/repost it onto other writing sites or any social media. © seijohlogy. But when you come home to the sight of the same girl— the same girl who has been spending the night at your place, with your roommate, for the second, third, fourth, time, you realize that Miya Atsumu might be in love. tag list closed!! Which is why you don’t really think about your harbouring crush for him and just leave it off to the side. a/n: Hell yes! You can’t vent out your frustrations to your boyfriend because he’s too busy at his work. That Haikyuu!! In a way, it’s a form of hope. GEN. TAGLIST ─ send an ask to be added on my general taglist. warnings: suggestive at the very end as chapter 5 is nsfw. You hate his crude … my friend was reading horimiya and she sent this to me and was like: this u? While you might be less than thrilled with some of these symptoms, these temporary discomforts are part of the incredible process that's happening inside: You're growing a child! The  wisps of hair on his forehead and cheeks tickled his face as [y/n] brushed it away.Â, me, having not read the manga: whomst the fuck is atsumu, Genre: fluffyyy!! (I really like this though!). And as your eyes gaze down at the sight of him, looking at somebody else like he’s more than willing to give out his heart, like he’s never felt this way for somebody else before, like she’s his exception—. The clacking of buttons gets louder as Kenma’s increasing frustration at the game grows. kuroo wiggles his eyebrows and slightly smiles.Â, “why wouldn’t i? Miya Atsumu doesn’t fall in love. your lips on his was all you could think about. Haikyuu Imagines And Scenarios — Kitty. both of you share a look before you turn your head back to the camera. (I actually really really like the way that this turned out!). and now she's their fully fledge cum dumpster and their girl 🥴 like the others thought that she's still innocent by the way she act but the boys knew that you are slut in front of them tysm!!!!!! You hate his crude humor. words: 3.6k Domestic dad headcanons 🥺Â, Author’s Note: it feels so good to be writing again after this dreadful first semester!! - I do headcanons, drabbles, scenarios, etc. ———-He was beautiful. he’ll put a small bow around them and they include a small card full of sweet words from him. !. HAIKYUU!! “You’re beautiful no matter what.” You reminded him. Discover more posts about haikyuu-scenarios. the sudden gesture makes your body stiffen.Â, “studying :/” you reply back. ... ⤷ SYNOPSIS. genre(s): college!au, fake dating, angst, fluff, mutual pining, enemies to lovers (kinda), eventual smut  can u just do like a scenario where their s/o is just getting along well with his friends and he’s just really soft 🥺 i don’t mind which boys but preferably kenma, kuroo and suna! Atsumu, who always liked to give you a little tweak in your butt, and was all in all very touchy. Because he isn’t keen with the idea of commitment, and the person making him feel his temporary high is just merely a one night stand. Red dusts Kuroo’s cheeks as he stares at your retreating form dumbly. > Genre/Warnings: Fluff, confession, friends to lovers, A/N: First post on this blog! Requests open. Everything from his blonde hair to his glaring amber eyes to his mouth, which was creased into a near-permanent frown, was beautiful. > Genre/Warnings: Very suggestive, fluff, borderline nsfw. You hate the sharpness of his eyes. Because he doesn’t. when the girl in front of you finished her turn you … It is the reason why you don’t make a move on him, no matter the abundance of opportunities you have been faced to do so. Getting along with their friends, summary: the haikyuu boys getting soft over you getting along with their friends, a/n: hi :D i dont know if this is what u wanted, please do tell me if i misunderstood your request 😗. your body slowly melts against the touch you’re so familiar with. the simp. and also they have kidsÂ, Pairings: Kenma X Reader (female), Iwaizumi X Reader (female), Genre: softest haikyuu domestic fluff omg, Dada’s Home | Kenma, Iwaizumi // Dada’s Home | Oikawa, Atsumu, Warnings! You heavily sigh again before telling him about what’s upsetting you. You love the intense glares. (@staytinyvibes; @myacademiawritings) She/her. words: 3k ‘So soft,’ [y/n] cooed with a giggle, the tips of their fingers tenderly running through Asahi’s scalp. #masterlist #masterpost More you might like ... haikyuu fake texts haikyuu scenarios haikyuu x reader Haikyuu texts Akaashi x reader Akaashi fake texts Akaashi scenarios Akaashi fluff Haikyuu fluff … almost a year. You found out how much your boyfriend Kiyoomi loves to be clean during quarantine, when he didn’t just buy every (and when I say every I mean all of them) kind of house product to sanitise your apartment, but he also started to get into the beauty care world. Haikyuu Boyfriend Scenarios!! Please make sure you're using the latest version of, #i hearby present to you my next next long fic... in blurb form whew, When you missed school (if you were sick or whateva), he probably do the thing™ while he drives you home, he drives using one hand while the other one is on your thigh 😩, he also put his hands in the back of your sit and looks up his shoulders while backing up, when he stretch, he put his hands in the back of his head and make his muscles tense, the type of person who carry everything he can in just one hand, genuinely calls you “good girl/boy” randomly, rest his hands in your lower back while you're both in a friend group, tickles you while top you.. cause he can :/, and because he thinks you're cute asking him to stop, practically begging, do not get bothered if you made him made a mistake in his homework or miss his serve, just look at you like a dad saying: do not do that anymore ✋🤨, love PDA and loves even more hug you after a match, he will put his hands right on your ass and do a 360° spin with you, says “can you not” when he is trying to punish you and you star whimpering, have the habit of not wearing shirts at home, and then you look at him and he is in a grey sweatpants, silently slipping up behind suga, you want to catch him off guard, but as you’re about to tap on his shoulder, he turns his head to look at you, ”how can i never scare you?” huffing, you sit down in front of him, ”maybe you shouldn’t giggle if you want to surprise me” he ruffles your hair to greet you, loving the feeling of it between his fingers, when he notices the pout on your lips, a worried expression takes over him. would probably tease you, provoke you in a way just to see your little play backfire at you, you rolling your eyes at him, a blush dusting your pretty cheeks ─ punching his arm lightly and him telling to fuck off and try to take back your whispered i love you but we all know that just like your heart, your i love you was also stolen by him and he probably has no intentions on giving it back to you. scenarios blog ... You and your boyfriend, Tsukishima, have planned this afternoon just for the both of you. When you text Kuroo because looking at him makes you horny Boyfriend Texts with Noya Boyfriend Oikawa texts When you leave Oikawa, Suga and Kenma alone with your newborn and they won’t stop crying when you leave Iwaizumi, Akaashi and Tsukishima alone with your newborn and they won’t stop crying See a recent post on Tumblr from @kuroosweakness about haikyuu-scenarios. The guys could be really exhausting at times, but you still enjoyed watching them, cheering them on, helping them everywhere you could. A mischievous smile tugs at your lip as an idea crosses your mind. Here’s what to expect: [11:11pm] — miya atsumu, roommates au, angst. good evening i have had too much to drink and we are now entering sad girl hours. KITA - he likes to pick out flowers from his garden and give them to you. He said so. Discover more posts about oikawa tooru, hq, hinata shouyou, miya atsumu, akaashi keiji, kozume kenma, and haikyuu! and him not noticing you getting closer to him (more specifically, his ear) his guard down more than ever until he jolts up slightly ─ muscles tense, chest rising up all in surprise and of course, don't forget the tinge of red across his cheeks the second you whisper the words of i love you into his ears. - I write AUs! The person who somehow got roped into the study group, but still stays anyway: The trouble makers that annoys everyone to prevent them from studying: Tanaka, Nishinoya, Taketora, Fukunaga, Oikawa, Matsuwaka, Hanamaki, Atsumu, Osamu, Suna, Hoshiumi. • you’d be in the lead, and suddenly you’re hit with a red shell and see kenma overtake you. You love his sharp tongue. “Good boy.”. It is the reason why you don’t think too much when you come home from your shared apartment and hear noises of somebody else in his room when you’re back after a long day. (I actually really really like the way that this turned out!) Kenma nearly moans at how good you look right now. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. The holidays just ended, everyone’s put on a little extra. Because Miya Atsumu doesn’t fall in love. by alsomimi. would take him a little few seconds to say i love you back as he tried his best to remain composed, clearing his throat ─ man, even after all these months and years of dating you, you never fail to make his heart fall and tumble over itself. ... You watch as your boyfriend’s brows furrow, his bottom lip catching between his teeth. double post but for the yamaguchi simps… come get your JUICE. Nor, is he very keen on the idea of commitment. there’s no ring on your finger, but there’s love in your life. #KUROO TETSUROU : i can see him a bit .. unfazed. wow, our calm, cool, and collected king ... #haikyuu headcanons #haikyuu #haikyuu fluff #haikyuu scenarios #haikyuu hcs #akaashi headcanons #akaashi x reader #akaashi x you #akaashi hcs #akaashi fluff #bokuto fluff #bokuto hcs #bokuto x … Everything from his blonde hair to his glaring amber eyes to his mouth, which was creased into a near-permanent frown, was beautiful. when the relationship first started; best believe he did nothing but blush half the time to the point it made you … You hate him almost as much as you love him. #IWAIZUMI HAJIME : would get super flustered if you ever do this to him; like imagine you two are just doing your own thing while sitting on the couch ─ his big hand on your thigh, rubbing small soft circles every now and then without looking away from his phone. Requests are always open ♡ || Commissions: OPEN ||, violet ☾ she/her ☾ blog contains 18+ content @officialkeijiakaashi 🤍, You are using an unsupported browser and things might not work as intended. The person who actually wants to study with their friends: Suga, Teshiro, Shibayama, Yahaba, Kindaichi, Goshiki, Hirugami. it honestly feels weird but I hope to be writing a lot more so I can stock up and give you all baby fever again🥰, Pairings: Kenma X Reader (female), Iwaizumi X Reader (female)Â, Genre: softest haikyuu domestic fluff omgÂ, Author’s Note: get fed BUT also, kenma’s isn’t really him coming home from somewhere unlike the other’s so-Â, Dada’s Home | Ushijima, Tsukishima // Dada’s Home | Oikawa, AtsumuÂ, Warnings! ... you didn’t want to encroach on him. Head Cannons, Scenarios, And Imagines!!! [Y/n] noted to thank her the next time they met - Asahi looked even more endearing with a messily-tied low bun. The person who's just quiet and just doing their work: The person who's actually trying to help others study to help themselves as well: Hinata, Kuroo, Inouka, Lev, Bokuto (still doesn't know much, but he's trying), “watcha doing?” kuroo mumbles, peering over your shoulder as he gently sets his chin on your shoulder. Suga-when you get out of the shower with only the towel wrapped around you ushiwaka normally rests his head on top of yours when watching tv, on your phone/his or when he’s reading the magazine you picked up (but you better let him read those ads; you skip it and he’s flipping the page back to finish while saying ‘you can wait angel.’) kisses. if you’re right handed, kuroo keeps protesting how it’s not fair because now he’s forced to write with his left handÂ, - making fun of each other’s handwriting.  words: 2.2k, Asahi scenario where his s/o likes to braid his hair? dedicated to @soranihimawari and @kurooskult as a little birthday present to my fellow aquarius, happy belated / advance birthday to u baddies from me and ur bae <3 ILY 2 SM OKAY KITH MWAH STAY HOT AND HOPE U GUYS ENJOYED / WILL ENJOY UR BDAYS AS U GUYS SHOULD CAUSE IT'S WHAT U TWO DESERVE 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩. “Look,” you started. kisses. Finally, the game lets out a Game Over, and Kenma sighs, tossing the controller onto the table and collapsing across the couch. ━🧋⌒*. The leader/who suggested the study session: Daichi, Ennoshita, Kai, Akaashi, Shirabu (much to his dismay), Kita, Akagi, Komori. Hellloo Can I request where the MSBY boys (Saku, Atsu, Hina,Bo) trains their naive little manager? You hate his mean comments. don't let his little teasing affect you that much though, cause underneath that was a throbbing and pounding heart of a dork deeply in love. Nonetheless, he walks over and plucks the book out, handing it to you with a teasing grin. You weren’t expecting your boyfriend to get jealous! His heart skipped and hugged you back. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. even if he pulled away slightly, he could still feel the way your hot breath fanned his ears. genre(s): college!au, fake dating, angst, fluff, mutual pining, enemies to lovers (kinda), eventual smut (no longer a maybe lol, chapter 5 = smut) • kenma secretly finds it amusing when you get annoyed after seeing him easily glide to 1st place. hope you enjoy <3 lit tried my best . Tsukishima Kei. he keeps trying to mimic your handwriting and signature. “i feel like a kid who needs a parent signature for a permission slip...”Â, - him writing your first name and ‘kuroo’ after it and becoming all giggly about itÂ, - purposely knocking his knee against yours under the tableÂ, - him getting tired and resting his head on your shoulderÂ. It seems he hasn’t a … when he sees your posture still slumped down, kuroo chuckles and pulls you closer. “aw, don’t stress yourself out over this. A/N ... iwaizumi #iwaizumi haijime x reader #akaashi imagine #hq akaashi #miya atsumu #hq atsumu #haikyuu fanfiction #haikyuu #haikyuu scenarios … just tell me what you need help on,” he says as he taps your book.Â, kuroo eyes you with an amused look on his face before poking your cheek. “i already said yes, so tell me what you need help with.”Â, “why does this so hard.... and why does everyone else understand it but i don’t  :’(”Â, ... “you just need practice, babe. alexa play sofia by clairo please. ‘A-ah, thank you, [y/n]-san,’ he said shyly, cheeks dusted with a rosy tint. You realize that Miya Atsumu doesn’t fall in love, but when he does, you know better than to believe it will be you. You love his witty jokes. ... You look at him, tongue poking out to wet your lips. But you don’t have to worry,” you pulled him closer for a hug and you wrapped your arms around his middle. You blow a kiss at him, sauntering away with the book in your hands. • you can tease him all you want, but when it comes to playing the game, 99.9% of the time, you’re coming in 2nd place. A/N: this is probably the most nsfw thing i’ve written so far lmao. I AM ONLY UP TO ABOUT THE MIDDLE OF SEASON 2!! I write! you surprise your unsuspecting boyfriend a bouquet of ... taken over your mind lately. NOTES. - I write for (character) x reader and (character) x (character). haikyuu characters as boyfriends. I'm Kleo and I yell at anime boys in my spare time. You may not look pregnant yet — but chances are you're feeling it. And of course Sakusa. You and your boyfriend are rarely to meet or even communicate. Kenma’s mouth falls open slightly, a little mewl escaping him. Tsukishima and yamaguchi share a spotify and their spotify wrapped was a mess, Their most listened to song was call me maybe bc yamaguchi regressed to his middle school self during quarantine and listened to the song 207 times in one day.