I agree that the best of all is drinking water every day. Phosphoric acid is primarily used in cola, while citric acid is typically found in citrus-flavored drinks. Asked by Wiki User. The other brands mentioned were healthier alternatives, but if you want to stick with the more popular ones, try drinking through a straw to avoid contact of the soda with your teeth. Hi Dee! Thanks for sharing. Besides that they are both terrible for you so drink what you enjoy. This means that they probably have lower acid levels but also, they don’t contain high-fructose corn syrup or other tooth-destroyers. The main difference between veneers and lumineers is that while both are permanent, lumineers do have the option of being removed later on if desired. The main difference is that Coke has caffeine. :-) Thanks for stopping by! Jennifer Landa, M.D., is the Chief Medical Officer of BodyLogicMD and author of the top-selling book, The Sex Drive Solution for Women. Sodas that are highest in acid (not sugar) are the worst for your teeth. Thank You. Thus, phosphoric is more acidic and consequently more harmful. what comes out of the “soda” tab on a self serve soft drink dispenser in a restaurant? Frequent consumption of soft drinks containing sugar, no matter their color, is harmful to your health. Frequent consumption of soft drinks containing sugar, no matter their color, is harmful to your health. Second, it has no caffeine that increases your blood pressure. I thought darker-colored soda is more worse than the light-colored or clear soda. The surface decays and discolors and it softens the tooth. Is Sprite better than dark soda? Opt for Teeth-Friendly Drinks. Lv 4. Hi Jennifer, hopefully the root beer will help. !! When I was on well water, we took vitamins with added fluoride as recommended by my doctors. We need to stop destroying our body. READ MORE: Simple Changes to Lose 10 Pounds. All soda is destructive to your teeth. He told me that his friend had been drinking whiskey and Coke, and the friend’s doctor told him that the caffeine in the Coke was causing his high blood pressure. besides i thought u quit ya. Another common dental myth that I see nearly every day in practice in Orange, Connecticut is the notion that drinking diet soda is better for your teeth than non diet soda. Some other drinks still contain acid, but they are typically a little better for your teeth because they are all-natural and/or made primarily with real fruit juice. Thanks for stopping by! Updated: 2/14/2020 Someone recently asked us, “What’s the worst soda for your teeth?” and we realized that’s probably a common question. Also, it won't stain your teeth as much as colored sodas. If the soda is too acidic it makes it worse, so I was trying to find a balance. So I asked him about his unusual beverage choice – whiskey and Sprite. The other problem we cause by using straws is early wrinkles just like smokers suffer. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, adult fish die in levels 3-5. https://www.1dental.com/blog/2011/12/06/types-of-soda-worst-for-your-teeth What about carbonated water, i.e. Thanks for reading! See Answer. The high citric acid in Sprite Zero can ruin your teeth over time. Very informative blog. I just feel like I should reach out and help. The high citric acid in Sprite Zero can ruin your teeth over time. No matter what you drink, the key is to consume it in moderation balanced by plenty of water. Is Deerpark lime (carbonated water) as bad as soda for your teeth? Whether you drink regular or diet drinks, they both contain high levels of acid, which essentially just skips a step and puts acid in direct contact with your teeth. How do we guard against high levels that cause damage to our teeth. I can’t help every stranger I meet, but I’m so glad I can pass the right information on to you! Apparently, Mountain Dew has a higher TA as compared to Coke which makes it more harmful for your teeth. However, we still recommend that you drink more water or even tea rather than a soft drink like Coca Cola or Diet Coke . How can a consumer get this information by looking at the Nutrients label or by researching on the web? Hi Richard, even just rinsing with water after drinking a soda will help mitigate the damage. Hope that helps! will pass it around. exposes the softer layers of your teeth to dental decay, How to Know if Your Dental Insurance Covers Dental Implants, 5 Tips on How to Prevent Your Child’s First Dentist Visit Becoming a Nightmare, Gum Pain: How to Treat Inflamed Gums at Home, Drink soda through a straw to lower your risk of dental cavities, Rinse your mouth with water after drinking soda. (I hope I spelled it correct). /* Add your own MailChimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. © Qualbe Marketing Group. I could drink coke all day and all night and not get sensitive teeth, but those fruit juices seem to get my teeth feeling it pretty fast. I never liked drinking soda and after reading your blog I decided to do a little pH testing my self. This is because when carbon dioxide gas dissolves, it makes carbonic acid, which is what is found in soda water. This includes drinks like: Studies found that even fruit juice, which can be quite acidic, is still much less damaging than soda. wait a second, i only know root beer soda. The reality: While the caramel coloring responsible for that brown hue can discolor your teeth, says Young, the big difference between clear or light-colored sodas versus darker sugary drinks is typically caffeine. Two â ¦ Thanks for the Infor. Sodas like the ones you mentioned are all generally bad for your teeth because of the sugar and acid levels. While I sat there and ate, the guy next to me polished off 4 mixed drinks in quick succession. Thanks for reading! However, both contain astronomically high levels of acid. Thank you for that information. Is Sprite Better for You Than Coke? Coffee. Sorry to bring rain to the party. Think Coca Cola versus Sprite, or Pepsi versus Sierra Mist. My dentist said cavities are increasing since more people drink bottled water that does not have the fluoride added to tap water. Milk sits around 6.5 on the scale. What about if we compare sodas like pepsi, dr.pepper, fanta and mt. Soda contains high levels of phosphorous that leach calcium from the bones. And while I’m out and about, I see and hear things all the time that drive me crazy. Acid levels are ranked on the pH scale where the lower the number, the more acidic the substance is. She practices anti-aging and integrative medicine and dedicates her practice to bioidentical hormone therapy, customized nutrition and fitness programs. It also leads to cavities and ups and downs in energy levels as the sugar rush is followed by a crash. So his friend had switched to Sprite as his mixer, and he had decided to as well, on the advice of his friend. Check the label of the beverage to be sure, but if you see any form of acid it would be safest to sip through a straw. The acidic pH level of Coke Zero is associated with an increased risk of enamel and tooth erosion, though it may affect your teeth less than other acidic beverages. Sprite does have a higher sodium, and had one less gram of sugar, compared to Pepsi and Coke, ect. Here we’ll explore what it actually does to your teeth, which ones are the worst, and if there are any alternatives. With every passing year, more and more American soda drinkers are switching to water.But we still haven’t even come close to truly conquering our collective soda addiction: The average American drank more than 38 gallons of soda (approximately eight 12-ounce cans per week) in 2013, and the average household spent more money on soft drinks than any other food item in 2011. Some people think that if they drink a diet soda, the lack of sugar eliminates the risk of cavities. It's safe to assume you may not want to totally remove sugary drinks from your diet, but according to the American Dental Association, simply reducing the number of sugary beverages in favor of other options is a great step.Water, unsweetened tea, milk, plain sparkling water and diluted juice all have little or no sugar. Sugar feeds the bacteria in your mouth, which produces an acidic substance. A morning cup of coffee is a daily routine for millions of people. The plaque on the teeth certainly is a factor! It just kills me that people are trying to do the right thing, but don’t have the right information! With 49 grams of fructose per liter, not much. coke to diet coke, pepsi to diet pepsi, and so on. On the other hand, I find that phosphoric acid (like what’s in Coca-Cola and Pepsi) never makes my teeth sensitive at all. The General Dentistry Journal published a study about how long-term consumption of citric acid destroys the enamel of the teeth. I am going to try some Root Beer after reading this post. Fruit juices contain artificial “flavor packs” and are loaded with sugar and calories. Damage is usually caused by the acid or sugar lingering on your enamel, so rinsing or brushing after would be effective. Nice informative blog. Someone recently asked us, “What’s the worst soda for your teeth?” and we realized that’s probably a common question. Yes, sprite is healthier than coke or pepsi. ... And I guess if you count caffeine addiction then Sprite would also be better in that way. So it’s better to drink water regularly instead of soda. Itâ s no secret that soda is bad for your teeth, but some are a lot worse than others. I also heard something about diet coke being similar to embalming fluid. (Mountain Dew is the obvious exception.) Wiki User Answered . 3 1. bayley. Theresa, find out more about flouride here. Just one more reason to not drink the stuff. those other names are not major soda brand. If you’d asked me this question ten years ago I would’ve said Sprite without a moments hesitation, but now I am not so sure. !! If you’re concerned that your water is flouridated, you can always buy a water filter, or stick to bottled water for drinking. However, research is showing that “healthier” choices like juice, diet soda, and even tea are not much better than sugary soft drinks. Obviously, the best solution would be to cut out soda altogether. Here’s how you can protect your teeth when you drink soda: The sugary fix of soda packs a lot of calories and causes weight gain. Sprite … A lot. Carbonated water is water charged with carbon dioxide, which forms carbonic acid. Hi Paul. 2. However, sometimes alkaline salt is added to soda water to make it less acidic. When trying to make a healthier choice for your mouth, you might think juice would be better than soda. However, if you can’t stay away from the bubbly beverage, try one of these solutions to protect your teeth. Acid rain is anywhere from 1-5. Please tell us all about the (fluoride) in the drinking that has been causing problems with our teeth. Soda is so bad for our teeth and I think the kids are truly the ones susceptible to this as it not only affects their teeth but their bones in the long term during development. :-) Thanks for stopping by, John! What is your concern? Truth: Overdoing caffeine can definitely cause higher blood pressure, but so can too much sugar, which those drinks were loaded with. SUPER ACIDIC. I just feel like I … Be sure to encourage your children to brush and floss after eating sour candy! Dental MythBuster #2 – Diet Soda is Better than Regular Soda for my Teeth. Would using a fluoride rinse after a soda mitigate the damage? Hi Regina, sour candy in general is particularly bad for your teeth because they tend to be very acidic. I normally don’t even drink soda, but I have really bad morning sickness right now, and the carbonation does seem to help. Dr. Landa is an internationally recognized speaker and medical sexual health expert, who helps men and women rediscover their libido and rekindle passion and sexuality in their lives. ? Is sprite better for your teeth than coke? What is the difference between Veneers and Lumineers? If you are a trimming down your weight but still crave for that soda then Diet Sprite and Sprite Zero is for you. Sprite still has high fructose corn syrup and carbonated water. 2012-09-21 15:01:46. yes. great job! Hi Emerson, phosphoric acid is actually the more damaging. Most of my numbers though were just like you said…in the low 3._ range or the mid 2._ range. Thank you for the informative post. All rights reserved. Frequent consumption of soft drinks containing sugar, no matter their color, is harmful to your health. If only we all had your will power. Actually, sugar-free soda is not much better, because it still contains acid – in fact, diet soda often contains more acid than regular soft drinks. Everyone knows soda is “bad for your teeth,” but surely some are better than others. Obviously they have roughly the same amount of sugar, and Sprite doesn't have caffeine, but is Sprite actually any healthier? right? You are right that diet sodas are often more acidic then regular, but in each my tests (multiple samples) diet was always less acidic then its counter part i.e. Caffeine, of course, has stimulant and diuretic properties; but your body will quickly adjust to negate these. sprite diff. Battery acid ranks 1.0 on the scale. The worst one, however, is RC Cola. And while I’m out and about, I see and hear things all the time that drive me crazy. Well, there's a bit more to it than that. Hi Lenny, soda water typically has a pH of about 3 or 4, making it more on the acidic side. Thanks for sharing. Solutions for Protecting Your Teeth. Hi John, beer is better than most alcohols because of some of the minerals it contains, but it does have some drawbacks. However, with the added risks that Diet Coke brings to the table with the addition of aspartame and preservatives, Diet Coke definitely has a greater chance of being worse for you than regular Coke. Hi: am i correct in thinking soda water(seltzer) plain or flavored is not acidic? Hi Paul. Posted on August 3, 2014 by jenlanda. Hi Dan, it is always a good idea to brush your teeth before and/or after eating anything potentially harmful. wait a second, i only know root beer soda. That’s an interesting fact, Erick! Even fruit juice, which is still very acidic and contains a lot of added sugar, is better for your teeth than soda. https://www.askdrmanny.com/is-sprite-better-for-you-than-coke Hi Monica, thanks for the question! When I worked as a soda jerk once, we would wet a towel with carbonated water and wash the stainless steel surfaces which were spattered with grease. That seems logical, right? And heavy drinking – 4 drinks or more for men, and even less for women – can also increase blood pressure, according to scientific studies. So can anyone explain in Chemistry terms why citric is more damaging than phosphoric. It damages the enamel on the teeth the same way, which can lead to periodontal disease and tooth loss. sprite is wayyyy better. Thanks for stopping by! To our health! You might also try a sparkling water to get the carbonation without the acid. Damage is usually caused by the acid or sugar lingering on your enamel, so rinsing or brushing after would be effective. See what happens if you leave a white tooth in a bottle of Coca Cola for a week. I see the comment on carbonated water, but I’m still not clear. The carbonation itself is not what does damage to teeth, but the acidic content that causes the carbonation. I found the blog to be very helpful to y daughters as I don’t drink soda at all. Lv … For me personally, I find that citric acid (like what’s in Fanta and Lucozade, even Fruit Pastilles) makes my teeth sensitive after a while, although my teeth do lose that sensitivity after a couple of days if I stop consuming citric acid. But why isn’t there the same outrage against fruit juices as there is against our favorite fizzy drinks? It is worse than Coke, Pepsi, or any other pop. great post fellows. If you don’t want to give up soft drinks, there are a few options that can still cause damage but are slightly less harmful to your pearly whites. Replacing soda with a few other options has allowed me to keep my smile, my weight, my energy level, and my refreshing breath. Top Answer. Thanks for reading! I travel for work. Recently, I was at the airport and I sat at the bar to get a salad before my flight – it was the only place to sit in the busy restaurant. 0 0. jaegers. Because of the high fructose corn syrup (a processed sugar) in Sprite , high consumption is linked to … There isn't any difference between clear and dark soda. IsItBullshit: Sprite is healthier than Coke. If you continue to brush your teeth, floss and swish with mouthwash every day, you will have a much better chance of fighting cavities and keeping your mouth sparkling clean. Surprisingly, after weighing each tooth, the experiment showed that the Coca-Cola tooth lost 7 percent of its mass as it was soaking in the soda, while the Mountain Dew tooth lost 14 percent of … When trying to make a healthier choice for your mouth, you might think juice would be better than soda. Pure water is pH 7, which is neutral. 4 years ago. While still containing high acid levels, root beer has been found to be less acidic than other soda, because it typically doesn’t contain phosphoric or citric acid. The teeth of habitual diet soda drinkers are said to resemble the teeth … When most patients ask Dr. Kristen Erskin this question, they're thinking strictly about sugar content — cut out the bacteria-feeding sugar that's present in regular soda by opting for a diet soda and it will be better for your teeth. Nobody mentioned anything about the effects Beer will have on your teeth?Any comments! coke eats ur teeth, has caffeine, way too much sugar and some other bad stuff. Thank you for sharing this new knowledge. dew? Follow us for breaking news and latest updates. The carbonated water cut the grease and wiped it away! Diet Sprite has a little bit of sugar, calories and carbohydrates although it will not affect your body while Sprite Zero … I travel for work. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. However, I think it would take a lot of straw-drinking to create wrinkles more noticeable than stained teeth. My husband, Adam, has to almost restrain me sometimes from giving unsolicited health advice to random strangers. A lot. Although Sprite is caffeine-free, less harsh on the body, and contains far fewer ingredients than many other sodas, it is still a good idea to moderate your consumption. Obviously, no sugar is added, but is the carbonation doing the damage? Phosphoric acid is stronger in most cases, but citric actually tends to be more damaging over the long-run. Unless you live in a nutrition-deprived cave, you probably know that soda isn’t great for your body. Difference between Diet Sprite and Sprite Zero. Source(s): https://shrinks.im/a9Os3. Better for you than soda? Thanks for the Infor. Studies show that RC Cola ranked 2.39, and most sodas rank near or below a 3. It’s generally considered that darker-colored soda is slightly worse than light-colored or clear soda. The acids and sugar byproducts in soda heighten your risk of cavities by softening the teeth's protective enamel. Acid wears away your enamel, which exposes the softer layers of your teeth to dental decay. Lumineers are simply placed over the existing teeth, whereas veneers require a filing down of the natural teeth and are then placed on top. READ NEXT: 5 Swaps for a Healthier Breakfast. This is why you see a drop of 14% mass (0.94 grams to 0.81 grams) in the teeth kept in Mountain Dew for ~three weeks, while only a 7% drop (from 0.86 grams to 0.80 grams) in the one kept in Coke for ~three weeks. I wanted to tell him that he would do well to cut down on both the soda and the alcohol if he really wants to lower his blood pressure, but who wants random health advice from strangers? #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } it has nothing bad in it for you.its good. Everyone knows soda is “bad for your teeth,” but….