†Protoptychidae | New World porcupines share their appearance of a spiny covering with Old World porcupines (family Hystricidae) and both belong to the Hystricognathi branch of the vast order Rodentia. If no status is listed, there is not enough data to establish status. A New World porcupine, Erethizon dorsatum. New world porcupines are stout, small, and have relatively shorter quills on the back which are interspersed with long soft hairs. †Yuomyidae | ), they use their tails when climbing, are not as nocturnal and are mostly smaller. Due to their tree climbing, new world porcupines have long prehensile tails. Ctenodactylidae | They range in size from 17-32 inches in length. Porcupines grow new quills to replace the ones they lose. US Status Key Santa Marta Porcupine - Coendou sanctamartae Bathyergidae | †"Baluchimyinae" | They have stock bodies; rounded heads; and stiff quills. It was considered to be extinct until rediscovered in 1986 (Mertz 2004). Porcupine quills are coated with potent natural antibiotics, … We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. Only 1 species is found throughout northern North America, the North American porcupine. Geomyidae, Myomorpha: Its head consists of a blunt muzz… Source- dailymail.co.uk Ctenomyidae | The second group includes the three genera of Coendou, Sphiggurus, and Echinoprocta and contains about 14 to 17 species, depending on the taxonomic scheme. The first group is represented by the North American Porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum), a stout, heavily built animal, with long hairs almost hiding its spines, four front- and five hind-toes, and a short, stumpy tail. New World porcupines (Erethizontidae). New World Encyclopedia writers and editors rewrote and completed the Wikipedia article Their Quills Have Antibiotic Properties. Capromyidae | In addition to the character of the barbs, New World porcupines are morphologically distinguished from the Old World porcupines in that they have rooted molars, complete collar-bones, entire upper lips, tuberculated (padded) soles, no trace of a first front-toe, and four teats. †Heliscomyidae | Least Concern Near Threatened Vulnerable Endangered Critically Endangered Extinct Wild Extinct †Reithroparamyidae | Two taxonomic families of rodents share the common name of porcupines, Erethizontidae, or New World porcupines, and the Hystricidae, or Old World porcupines. †Eutypomyidae | Spiggurus has five extant species, depending on the taxonomy, with S. mexicanus sometimes classified under the genus Coendou (Mertz 2004). The porcupines found in North and South America are good climbers and spend much of their time in trees. New World porcupines are more or less similar in physical features to the Old World porcupines. Zapodidae | Porcupine are large rodents with coats of sharp and pointy spines, or quills, that protect them against predators. Unlike Old World porcupines, the family of New World porcupines has … Many species of New World porcupines are arboreal, unlike the terrestrial Old World porcupines. Koopman's Porcupine - Coendou nycthemera  Echinoprocta However, they are less strictly nocturnal than Old World species in their habits, and while some types live entirely in trees, or spend days sleeping in trees, others have dens on the ground. Chinchillidae | They are stocky animals with many sharp quills, modified guard hairs, and spines that in most species are hidden beneath long fur but are visible in others. Echimyidae | Myocastoridae | Old World Porcupines– The eleven different Old World species can be found across Africa, Asia, and parts of Europe. The North American porcupine is a member of the family Erethizontidae, a diverse group of rodents otherwise known as “New World porcupines”. Muridae, Anomaluromorpha: †Mojavemyidae | Although the habits of many New World porcupines are unknown, erethizontids are presumably all arboreal and nocturnal (Mertz 2004). Spalacidae | Porcupines have long spiny barbed hairs or quills. Bicolor-spined Porcupine - Coendou bicolor Most people chose this as the best definition of new-world-porcupines: Plural form of New World... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. New World porcupines (family Erethizontidae) The North American porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) is the largest species in the family, usually weighing less than 7 kg (15.4 pounds) though males occasionally grow significantly larger. Some porcupines inhabit rocky regions up to 3,500 metres (11,000 feet) high. The following are species as identified by Mertz (2004); however, other taxonomic schemes place many of the species of Coendou in the Sphiggurus genus, and S. mexicanus as C. mexicanus. The spines are mixed with long, soft hairs. New World porcupines are some of the largest North American rodents. †Kenyamyidae | 2004. This family requires additional research before its placement is clear. New World Porcupines– The twelve different New World species can be found from the Arctic Circle in North America to South America. New World porcupines are stout animals, with blunt, rounded heads, fleshy, mobile snouts, and coats of thick, cylindrical or flattened spines ("quills"). Noun 1. To cite this article click here for a list of acceptable citing formats.The history of earlier contributions by wikipedians is accessible to researchers here: The history of this article since it was imported to New World Encyclopedia: Note: Some restrictions may apply to use of individual images which are separately licensed. The hind-feet have only four toes, owing to the suppression of the first, in place of which they have a fleshy pad on the inner side of the foot; between this pad and the toes, branches and other objects can be firmly grasped as with a hand. Nesomyidae | †Eurymylidae | Calomyscidae | Some species of New World porcupines live in trees, however, Old World porcupines are exclusively terrestrial (ground dwellers). Sciuridae | Geography of the North American Porcupine 6 words related to New World porcupine: hedgehog, porcupine, Erethizontidae, family Erethizontidae, Canada porcupine, Erethizon dorsatum. Gestation is commonly around 200 days and soon after giving birth, the female mates again. Some species also eat insects and small reptiles (Macdonald 2006). This animal is often considered a member of the Echimyidae on the basis of its premolars. Antonyms for New World porcupines. The family consists of four genera and twelve species. Porcupines’ quills, or spines, take on different forms, depending on the species, but all are altered hairs coated with thick plates of keratin, and buried in the skin musculature. Behavior and Habitat. Erethizon The North American range runs from northern Canada and Alaska to the Appalachian Mountains and Northern Mexico. New World porcupines characteristics. Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: Yes. Some species live in trees and others live in burrows or dens in the ground. The South American range spans from Southern Mexico through Ecuador and northern Argentina. †Eomyidae | They do not shoot their quills, if an attacking animals gets too close to a porcupine, the quills can embed themselves into the attacking animal. Chaetomys—C. The erethizointid diet consists mainly of seeds, fruits (including nuts), bark, and leaves, including conifer needles, but they also are known to consume roots, stems, grasses, and flowers (Macdonald 2006; Mertz 2004). †Allomyidae | Dipodidae | The fisher is the only predator known to have a specialized killing technique, involving exhausting the porcupine and repeatedly biting and scratching at the face, and after it has died, flipping over the porcupine and eating from its unprotected belly. The 11 species (3 genera) of this family are found in Africa and Asia. †Cylindrodontidae. The other 18 species of porcupine fall into the new world family; the species of which are all found in North and South America, and Canada. Mertz (2004) notes that, while the reproductive biology of many erethiontids is poorly known, it appears that female porcupines generally are either pregnant or lactating for most of their life. The first group is represented by the North American Porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum), a stout, heavily built animal, with long hairs almost hiding its spines, four front- and five hind-toes, and a short, stumpy tail. The size and appearance of new and old world porcupines varies significantly. Status taken from US Fish and Wildlife and NH Fish and Game, Thin-spined Porcupine - Chaetomys subspinosus They are found in North, Central and South America. They have good hearing, but poor eyesight. †Myophiomyidae | The family currently consists of around 18 species. Different species can be found in souther…  Chaetomys. Despite this, the two groups are distinct from one another and are not closely related to each other within the Hystric… †Neoepiblemidae | There are 11 species in this family. Cuniculidae | New World porcupines are characteristically arboreal (adapted to life in trees), whereas the Old World porcupines are usually terrestrial and normally do not climb trees (Atkins 2004; Mertz 2004). They have relatively small eyes, and small and round ears, with the ears almost covered by hair (Mertz 2004). Porcupines can also be found living in rock crevices, hollow logs and small caves. New World porcupines range from Canada and Alaska in North America to northern Argentina and Uruguay in South America (Mertz 2004). New World porcupines are primarily forest animals, found in deciduous and coniferous woods and rainforests (Mertz 2004). Most species of New World porcupines occur in South America (Mertz 2004). The term covers two families of animals: the Old World porcupines of family Hystricidae, and the New World porcupines of family Erethizontidae. Females usually weigh a little less than the males. They range in size from 17-32 inches in length. There are 12 species of New World porcupine. Unlike the old world porcupines, the new world porcupines have adapted to tree climbing (Although they are not the most agile climbers, they get it done. Similar to their cousins, they are stocky and rounded in build but they differ for their complete upper lips and rooted molars. Erethizontidae | Erethizontids are important part of terrestrial food chains, eating seeds, fruits, bark, and other vegetation and, despite their quills, serving as prey for such animals as the fisher (Martes pennanti; a particularly adept predator), mountain lion, great-horned owl, and bobcat. The incisors have enamel on the outside and exposed dentine on the inside, so they self-sharpen during gnawing. Pages 365 to 375 in B. Grzimek et al.. The quills, which are interspersed with coarse hair, can detach from the skin easily when touched and become embedded in a potential predator. Most (11 species) are found in Central and South America. Old World porcupines are found in Europe, Africa, and Asia. †Ischyromyidae | However, in some taxonomic schemes certain of the 11 Coendou species are instead classified in the Spiggurus genus and others identified as the same species as one listed in Spiggurus (Mertz 2004). It contains one extant species, C. subspinosus, a native of the hottest parts of Brazil. The New World porcupines are in family Erethizontidae and the Old World porcupines are in family Hystricidae. New World porcupine is the common name for any of the large, stocky, largely arboreal and nocturnal rodents comprising the family Erethizontidae, characterized by a spiny covering of sharp, barbed quills. … They are fed by the mother for two to three months, and generally reach adult size in about a year, and sexual maturity at 1.5 to 2.5 years of age (Mertz 2004). Thryonomyidae | Wikipedia . Coendou has about 11 species, with three new species described since 1992, including two (Coendou ichillus and Coendou roosmalenorum) described as new species in 2001 (Mertz 2004). Apart from appearance, however, the two porcupine families are quite different, including the fact that the spines of the Old World porcupines lack the barbules characteristic of the New World porcupines. The northernmost species is Erethizon dorsatum found in most of Canada and Alaska except the far north regions, and down to the northern edge of central Mexico, including most of the western half of the United States and the northeastern and north-central states (Mertz 2004). Atkins, W. A. The animals have a prehensile, able to grasp by wrapping around, tail that can reach about one-fourth to over one-half its length. If you were ever looking for an unusual piece of trivia, the porcupine … The typical porcupine diet consists mostly of plant matter — think tubers, buds, fruit, bark, carrots, potatoes and cassava. E. dorsatumis the only extant member of its genus. New World porcupine - arboreal porcupine hedgehog, porcupine - relatively large … Porcupines can live in any terrain, including … The porcupine is any of 58 species of large, quill-coated rodents in the families Erethizontidae and Hystricidae. Status taken from ICUN Redlist. Dasyproctidae | 2004. Aplodontiidae | Brazilian Porcupine - Coendou prehensilis There are 11 species, in three genera, of Old World porcupines in the Hystricidae family. Old World porcupines have quills embedded in clusters, whereas in New World porcupines, single quills are interspersed with bristles, underfur, and hair. †Heptaxodontidae, Prehistoric rodents (incertae sedis): Diatomyidae | Genus Chaetomys is distinguished by the shape of its skull and the greater complexity of its teeth. Caviidae | They are found in North, Central and South America. New World porcupines synonyms, New World porcupines pronunciation, New World porcupines translation, English dictionary definition of New World porcupines. As rodents, both groups have incisor teeth that grow continuously throughout their lives and must be kept worn down by gnawing. Porcupines are nocturnal and live alone or in pairs.  Coendou Both families belong to the infraorder Hystricognathi within the profoundly diverse orderRodentia and display superficially similar coats of quills. Species like Sphiggurus mexicanus and Coendouprehensilis have long and powerful prehensile tails, which help them balance when they are in the tree tops. Despite their quills, porcupines are targets of such predators as the fisher or North American marten (Martes pennanti), bobcats, mountain lions, great horned owls, and coyote. †Theridomyidae | Credit is due under the terms of this license that can reference both the New World Encyclopedia contributors and the selfless volunteer contributors of the Wikimedia Foundation. Roosmalen's porcupine is found in Brazil. The New World porcupines is a group of large rodents found throughout North and South America. Sciuromorpha: The end of each quill has a small barb (like a fish hook) that snags the flesh, keeping the quill stuck in the enemy’s skin. Porcupines can live a long time. This is the classification of the North American porcupine, according to Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS):Kingdom: Animalia Subkingdom: Bilateria Infrakingdom: Deuterostomia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Infraphylum: Gnathostomata Superclass: Tetrapoda Class: Mammalia Subclass… Female North American porcupines, on the other hand, are only fertile once a year for a period of eight to 12 hours (little is known about the mating behaviors of other New World porcupines). Dinomyidae | Most New World porcupines are found in the tropical forests of South and Central America. While some spcies in this family eat insects, amphibians, and reptiles, most species are herbivores and eat seeds, fruit, nuts, leaves, and other plant parts. †Laredomyidae | Most New World species are found in South America, although some are found in Central and North America. †Ivanantoniidae | It is a native of the greater part of Canada and the United States. Although the quills cannot be launched, they are easily detached and can impale an attacker, with the barb lodging in the attacker's body (Mertz 2004). †Eocardiidae | New World porcupines include four to five genera in three groups. Hystricidae | Roosmalen's Porcupine - Sphiggurus roosmalenorum Erethizontidae - New World porcupines There are 18 species in this family. Old World porcupine quills don't have the barbs found on the quills of New World porcupines, but they can still get stuck in the flesh of an attacking animal! †Phiomyidae | The quills or spines take on various forms, depending on the species, but all are modified hairs coated with thick plates of keratin, and are embedded in the skinmusculature. Cricetidae | However, the major difference lies in their distribution of quills. Rothschild's Porcupine - Coendou rothschildi New World porcupines include four to five genera in three groups. These New World porcupines usually weigh between 12 and 35 pounds, with full body lengths of between 25 and 36 inches. †Simimyidae | They live in the Americas, with most species in South America, but also species in Central and North America (Mertz 2004). Old World porcupines (Hystricidae). E. dorsatum is the only extant member of its genus. Porcupines are Skilled Tree-Climbers. subspinosus(this species was thought to be extinct until it was rediscovered in 1986) 2. Like their New World equivalents, the North American porcupines, Old World porcupines are large, heavyset, slow-moving animals that rely on their imposing quills for defense rather than on speed or agility.The largest hystricids may exceed 25 kg in weight; others weigh a kilogram or two.  Sphiggurus World Status Key in accordance with New World Encyclopedia standards. †Sciuravidae | Gliridae, Castorimorpha: †Armintomidae | Porcupines are generally solitary, although they may share a winter den (Mertz 2004). Their clawed, four-toed feet on short, strong limbs allow them to be excellent climbers (Mertz 2004). Solitary offspring (or, rarely, twins) are born fully developed, with open eyes, and are able to climb trees within a few days of birth (Macdonald 1984). The spines or quills of all the New World porcupines are barbed, unlike the barb-less quills and spines of the Old World porcupines (Atkins 2004). Octodontidae | It is distributed from the Arctic coast of North America to northern Mexico and the Appalachian Mountains, and from southern Mexico to … The new world porcupine has quill-laden tails that they use during fights. Threatened in US Threatened in NH Endangered in US Endangered in NH Introduced Noun . North American porcupines are herbivores that feed a lot on herbs, grasses, wood, tree bark, foliage, buds and apples. The shells are narrow and blunt, whereas the new world porcupine has sharp quills that range around four inches and work as a shield for it. Porcupines are found in a variety of habitats including coniferous and deciduous forests, mountains, grasslands, and deserts. †Chapattimyidae | Quills lie facing downward and spines cover most of their upper bodies and tail, except for a few species that have no spines. New World porcupines live in North, Central, and South America; some examples are the Canadian porcupine, Mexican hairy dwarf porcupine, and Brazilian porcupine. †Mylagaulidae | North American Porcupine - Erethizon dorsatum, North American Porcupine - Erethizon dorsatum eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'newworldencyclopedia_org-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',162,'0','0'])); New World porcupines are stout animals, with blunt rounded heads, fleshy mobile snouts, and coats of thick cylindrical or flattened spines. Until that work is completed, however, this chapter will use the following classification of genera and species: 1. Pages 351 to 364 in B. Grzimek et al.. Mertz, L. A. What are synonyms for New World porcupines? †Tamquammyidae | The Erethizontidae is a family of rodents commonly known as the New World porcupines. … E. rufescens is the only extant representative of Echinoprocta. Art, Music, Literature, Sports and leisure, https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/p/index.php?title=New_World_porcupine&oldid=806963, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. The common name "porcupine" comes from a Latin phrase that means "quill pig." Abrocomidae | †Rhizospalacidae | English Wikipedia has an article on: New World porcupine. New World porcupines make up the Erethizontidae family, which comprises four genera and 12 species. It is a native of the greater part of Canada and the United States. Their bo… Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: Yes All porcupines are nocturnal and quite adaptable, found in a variety of habitats, as long as there is vegetation. While the spines are obvious in many species, such as Erethizon dorsatum (North American porcupine), they are hidden below the fur in other species and in most young porcupines of diverse species (Mertz 2004). Although both Old World and New World porcupines exist, the New World family Erethizontidae is actually more closely related to pacas, agoutis, and other cavy-like rodents than to the Old World porcupine family Hystricidae. †Alagomyidae | The quills of New World porcupines are much smaller (about 4 inches or 10 centimeters long) but work just as well. Its body is up to 80 cm (31 inches) long, with a tail up to 30 cm. There are 18 species in this family. They have a body length of about 12 inches with some larger porcupines reaching 34 inches. New world porcupines have four teats unlike the six that old world porcupines have. New World Porcupines – Erethizontidae. Castoridae | Porcupines with short quills around 4 inches (10 cm) long belong to the New World, while porcupines with quills that can grow up to 20 inches (51 cm) long, though there are some exceptions, belong to the Old World. The common name porcupine is shared by the two taxonomic families of rodents: Hystricidae (Old World porcupines) and Erethizontidae (New World porcupines). For humans, New World porcupines add to the wonder of nature with their unique morphology and behavior. Stump-tailed Porcupine - Echinoprocta rufescens Andean Porcupine - Coendou quichua Both have heavyset bodies covered with long quills or spines (modified hairs), which can detach easily from the skin when touched and become embedded in a potential predator. The quills face backward on the body, but can be raised erect when under duress, reaching up to ten centimeters (four inches) in the North American porcupine (Mertz 2004). This article abides by terms of the Creative Commons CC-by-sa 3.0 License (CC-by-sa), which may be used and disseminated with proper attribution. The animal's quills or spines take on various forms, depending on the species, but all are modified hairs coated with thick plates of keratin, and are embedded in the skin musculature. The most characteristic feature are the sharp quills (actually modified guard hairs), which cover much of their dorsal (back) surface, from the head to the tail, although a few species are naked on a portion of their tail (such as Coendou prehensilis and Sphiggurus mexicanus, both species with prehensile tails used in climbing) (Mertz 2004).