Log in to view your list of favourite games. Ghostbane Dirge and Ghostbane Dirge, Mass. Sneak attacks for spells with multiple projectiles should now trigger only once (optional). Dual cursed oracle  does not receive extra revelations at levels 5 and 13, she instead receives fortune at level 5 and misfortune at level 13. medium range for spells was increased to 60 ft, long range to 100 ft. weapon swap consumes move action instead of standard (optional). fire focus, from planar focus feat deals 1d3 points of fire damage per 4 hunter levels. all flying creatures are immune to difficult terrain and ground based area/buff effects and also receive +3 dodge melee ac bonus against non-flying creatures. Faites votre choix parmi les films, séries TV, reportages ou documentaires qui seront diffusés ce soir à la télé et concoctez-vous une soirée TV réussie ! Abyssal bloodline sorcerer no longer receives wings. Eaglesoul spell requires a swift action to cast since it corresponds better it's actual pnp effect. - updating and adding family descriptions and making the bonuses more like the intended bonuses, - Lovdevka now had + 2 athletics and knows snowball if you are ANY caster(except for casters added by other mods), - Rogarvia has - 10 persuasion penalty vs nobles and knows fireball if you are ANY caster(except for casters added by other mods). -More Icons Made by Nolanoth for spells traits and feats in the mod. - bloodline fey id put in a separate code block so laughing touch can be added in future. Log in to view your list of favourite games. If kineticists select their primary element as expanded element twice, they receive +1 to attack rolls and DC for corresponding element abilities. Arcanist with following archetypes: School Savant, Blood Arcanist, Unlettered Arcanist, Magaambyan Initiate and Occultist. Dawnflower Anchorite, Hinterlander and Holy Vindicator prestige classes. Crossblooded, Seeker and Primal Bloodline Wildblooded Sorcerer archetypes. Max starting strike rate is therefore 28% with 10 CHA. Overwhelming soul can use Mental Prowess a number of times per day qual to 2 + its kineticist level, Lore Warden Hair's Breadth ability grants a permanent bonus to AC against critical hits equal to 1/3 of mobility skill. Boon Companion works with Eidolons and Corpse Companions. -Crossblooded sorcerer can choose a bloodline mutation. -Extra options for the well-provisioned adventurer. Dwarven war axe and bastard sword can be used as martial weapons if wielded two-handed; dueling sword can be used as martial weapon, in this case it is no longer considered to be finessable; estoc can be used as a martial weapon if wielded two-handed, in this case it is no longer considered to be finessable. Added Skirmisher tricks to hunter animal companion (needs respec to get them if you are above level 6), Feykiller now gets 3 animal foci as base hunter, but does not receive skirmisher tricks, Hunter animal companion should also now get woodland stride, when hunter reaches level 5, Warpriest now gets his sacred weapon bonuses with his deity favored weapon, Flaming burst bonus on bloodrager hellfire charge should no longer stack with existing flaming burst enchantment, Fixed bug with virtuoso performance spell sometimes making bardic songs unusable, fixed broken by 1.25 arcane strike (and probably other activatable abilities), replaced arcane strike ability and buff icons, added missing Plague Storm spell to witch spell list, fixed bug with cult leader not being able to use light shields, fixed bardic performance using free action instead of standard, fixed lingering performance allowing to overlap different bard songs, fixed crane wing not working with Stalwart feat, added Furious Focus and Planar Wild Shape Feats, fixed not properly working smite alignment abilities, fixed Vital Strike to use standard action, fixed Archaeologist luck to work with Lingering Performance and singing Steel, flying creatures should now be immune to difficult terrain and ground based buffs, fixed Arcane Bond to work with spontaneous spells, fixed increased damage reduction rage power on core barbarian archetype that still worked out of barbarian rage, added stalwart and improved stalwart feats, added new rage powers: superstition, ghost rager, witch hunter, energy resistance, fixed increased damage reduction rage power to work only during rage, summer heat hex now applies exhausted condition to fatigued target and deals fire damage instead of non-lethal, fixed fervor swift cast to not consume uses if drinking a potion, added activatable ability that controls spell release from spell storing warpriest blessing, fixed animal foci effect on animal companion to depend on master level, rather than companion level, fixed not properly working warpriest sacred weapon enchantment ability, fixed warpriest sacred armor enchantment to use swift action instead of free, fixed not properly removed amplified hex bonuses after hex cast in certain cases, fixed not properly working Certain Strike ability from Destined bloodrager bloodline, added missing Coordinated Shot feat to hunter teamwork feat selection, Animal Growth now properly increases size of animal companion, Fervor can no longer be used with non-warpriest spells, fixed Quick Channel feat being not selectable for negative energy - channeling clerics, hunter and warpriest now work with mystic theurge prc, added missing dimension door, neutralize poison, hellfire ray and foresight spells to witch spell list, fixed description of daemon totem feature, made certain bloodrager abilities usable only during bloodrage, fixed missing 12th level combat feat on Champion of the Faith and removed channel energy, Added definitive version of Warpriest class with following archetypes: Sacred Fist, Cult Leader, Champion of the Faith, Added missing Pox Postules and Spit Ven to witch spell list, Fixed not working 3rd animal focus for Hunter, Fixed not working 3rd use of Spell Kenning for Skald, Information about rerolls (from Fortune / Misfortune and similar spells) is now showed in battle log, fixed 3rd level Ice Storm Winter Patron spell using 4th level slot on memorization, added missing Fear spell to witch spell list, fixed bug with spirit totem forcing to use charisma on all attacks instead of only spirit slam, fixed witch patron spells using higher level slots if the same spell also belonged to witch spell list (might require respec), fixed some issues with spells putting enchantments on items upon save/load, fixed missing point blank shot prerequisite of coordinated shot, fixed incorrect level of virtuoso performance spell, increased duration of accursed hex to 9 seconds, added Sklad's Vigor and Greater Skald's Vigor feats, added Celestial and Daemon totem lines of rage powers, - changed icons for Deadly Juggernaut and Virtuoso Performance Spells, fixed Feral Combat Training to work with Deflect Arrows, fixed bonus Improved Critical feat for Wardrummer, Added new spells: Shillelagh, Flame Blade, Deadly Juggernaut and Virtuoso Performance, added Raging Brutality, Blooded Arcane Strike, Riving Strike, and Feral Combat Training feats, Cackle now can also be used as a move action ability, Skald can no longer take Extra Rage Power Feat, add new rage powers: terrifying howl, taunting stance, quick reflexes, unrestrained rage, atavism totem lesser, atavism totem, atavism totem greater, fix (hopefully) for buggy inventory after introducing slots for animal companions, fixed broken sacred huntsmaster if favored enemy replacement with animal focus was enabled, animal companions can now equip bracers, amulets and belts, fixed skald not being able to take arcane prestige classes, reject rage now also blocks inspire ferocity.