Cons: You take away an integral part of sex, procreation. and "What if a Condom Breaks? 4. You need a prescription to get it. Have emergency contraception on hand. Cons: Requires insertion and removal by a doctor. Emergency contraception pros and cons . Can cause side effects such as: irregular bleeding, depression, nervousness, hair loss, and weight gain You can get smoking advice from your local smoking cessation clinic, which can help you cut down or stop smoking and this will reduce the … It can prevent pregnancy up to 3 to 5 days later, although the sooner you take it, the better. Find one that you're confident with -- and that you can commit to using every time you have sex. The contraceptive pill is very effective, but you need to follow instructions to avoid the risk of pregnancy. If you want an IUD, a nurse or doctor needs to put it in within 5 days of when you had sex. Female condoms may also help against STDs. Thomas, Liji. 17.1% of American women aged 15-44 use birth control pills compared to 8.8% of women worldwide using hormonal birth control pills. The following are the pros and cons of several common birth control options that you can choose from. Birth Control: How Effective Is the Cervical Cap (FemCap)? They work better when combined with a condom or diaphragm. Make sure you unroll it in the right direction. The contraception follows a cyclical schedule, and as long as that routine is maintained, the pill is very effective at what it does. Ellis Lacy - How To Put On A CondomDoctors and nurses will never prescribe you a contraception that isn’t medically safe for you because they work Contraceptive injections have also been shown to reduce the risk of some uterine cancers by up to 80%. The pill is to be taken orally by the woman, and the most popular birth control pill contains a combination of two hormones, estrogen and progesterone. We asked two OB-GYNs all about the pros and cons of seven types of birth control for women. You shouldn’t consider this a form of regular birth control. 1. Contraceptive pills came into being some sixty years ago, thanks to the efforts of Margaret Sanger, Katharine McCormic, Gregory Pincus and John Rock. Natural Family Planning: Advantages and Disadvantages. The copper-T version -- which uses copper, a natural sperm-killer -- is good for up to 10 years. There are two main categories of oral contraceptive. ⚠️ If … 3. If you want more personalised advice, Dr Lee recommends taking this … Emergency contraception is a birth control measure that may be used after sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy. You’ll need a prescription for them. Before starting on birth pills, talk to a gynecologist to ensure that you can take the pill safely; take the time to ask questions regarding the most effective way of contraception best suited for your health. The contraceptive pill is popular as an effective birth control measure amongst women. The Male Pill: Pros & Cons. 5. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Coronavirus in Context: Interviews With Experts, Sign Up to Receive Our Free Coroanvirus Newsletter. These come in several forms including foam, jelly, tablet, cream, suppository, or dissolvable film.Â. Is This an Emergency? Spermicides contain chemicals which kills the sperm. Unlike other contraceptives, if you forget or skip even one dose of birth control, you are at a higher risk of becoming pregnant. How well it works depends on how well you use it. Cons of the hormonal IUD: The hormonal IUD releases the contraceptive drug levonorgestrel, which is not progesterone. If you are looking to avoid pregnancy due to trauma inducing events like miscarriage or an abortion, talk to your doctor, and get started on the pills as soon as possible. Those who suffer heavy bleeding and painful cramps will see a change for the better — the flow gets lighter, and there is little to no discomfort. Depending on the brand and dose, you might get 1 pill or 2. It is considered 90-93% effective and you would need a prescription for this. The Pros and Cons of the Oral Contraceptive Combination Pill. Female condoms are about 80% effective. ", U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: "Tips for Using Condoms and Dental Dams. 8. With typical use, hormonal birth control is about 90% effective. Please use one of the following formats to cite this article in your essay, paper or report: APA. They're about 90% effective in preventing pregnancy. ", Women' "Birth Control Methods Fact Sheet. The effectiveness of any contraceptive is dependent on your age, how sexually active you are and how well you follow the instructions on how to use the contraceptive. There can be instances where you’ve forgotten to take the pill, or skipped it because you were feeling sick due to some unrelated cause, which can become an issue. These include birth control pills, stick-on patches, insertable vaginal rings, shots, and implants. A few options -- like the diaphragm, cervical cap, and cervical shield -- are available only by prescription. Allowing Teens To Access Birth Control May Raise The Chances Of Irresponsible Sexual Activities Among Teens. They can break down the condom. The IUD is only an inch long, T-shaped so it is very tiny and flexible. Meanwhile, a Danish study reported a link between hormone-based birth control and increased breast cancer risk. Alone, they're about 70% effective. But first, let’s set the record straight on a common myth about birth control and fertility. It encourages premarital and promiscuous sex. There are permanent options for birth control if you are certain you do not want to conceive in the future. After stopping the pills, however, you will get regular periods, and those who have heavy periods prior to taking pills, will get back their heavy flow. A condom that's too small or big may not work. Don't use any that are oil-based, like baby oil or petroleum jelly. Kelly Cleland, MPA, MPH, researcher, Office of Population Research, Princeton University. A female condom is a thin, flexible, plastic tube that you would partially insert into your vagina, creating a barrier. 1144 Words 5 Pages. One of the major pros of IUD is that it … Stopping the pill means that you will get back to the normal routine of your menstrual cycle. The birth control pill was invented by women, for women, and is a non-invasive procedure. A female condom is a thin, flexible, plastic tube that you would partially insert into your vagina, creating a barrier. Every method of contraception has a risk of failure, however, small, but a teen who practices abstinence will never become pregnant. Popularly known simply as “the pill”, this contraceptive measure was invented after many trials, and has crossed many obstacles to become a popular contraceptive method for women. Contraceptive pills have shown to improve dermatological problems like acne and pimples. Light and heat can damage condoms and other forms of birth control. Stops bleeding or causes very irregular bleeding. Its unnatural. The pill is to be taken orally by the woman, and the most popular birth control pill contains a combination of two hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Contraceptive pills will help you avoid that, without compromising any other biological function, like breastfeeding. All rights reserved. Vaginal Hormonal Ring (Nuva-Ring) Pros Use the right size. Side effects of levonorgestrel include acne, hair loss, hirsutism, depression, anxiety, headaches, breast pain, yeast infections, and weight … Here are examples of contradictory reasons regarding this matter. The implant is also about 99% effective. Unlike other contraceptives like the Intrauterine Device (IUD), vaginal rings or diaphragms, the pill is non-invasive, meaning that it has to be taken orally. A period could put a serious damper on things, but if you take birth control, for even a short but regulated period of time, you can skip out on the days you are supposed to bleed. Follow directions. They're rubber or silicone barriers that you place far up in your vagina. Apart from the pros and cons of birth control pills, other contraceptive methods also have their advantages and disadvantages. Benefits of Contraceptive Pills. 10 Pros and Cons of Emergency Contraception 10 pros and cons of emergency contraception The morning after pill is a powerful way to stay in control of your body when you have unexpectedly had unprotected sex, or when you think that your usual contraception has failed. "Intrauterine Contraception.". The IUD is inserted in the uterus, where it remains for 3-12 years depending on the IUD inserted. Decisions about contraception usually come down to convenience and reliability balanced against potential risks, including protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It does not interrupt sex. It needs to be easy for you to use. If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately. 1 Comment. By the end of this article, we hope you’ll have a better sense of which kind may work best for you. 9. Emergency contraception is a term used for methods which can prevent pregnancy even after an unprotected intercourse. Abstinence from sex is the only form of pregnancy prevention that is 100% effective. Vaginal contraception is inserted into the vagina prior to sex to create an inhospitable environment for sperm so it won’t reach the egg for fertilization. The pill reduces the chances of you getting pregnant, without hampering the inner biological workings of your body. Pros: Inexpensive long term contraception (3 years) “set and forget” - requires very little maintenance or effort. Therefore, there is a need to weigh the pros and cons of teens’ access to birth control. Even if you have very recently given birth, your menstrual cycle is still in operation, so there is a risk of becoming pregnant again. 60% of American women use some sort of contraception. Pills become less effective. The pills amend your periods and reduce the risk of pregnancies. Air can make a break more likely. Women who are overweight or obese who want emergency contraception should consider using the copper T IUD, since research shows that emergency contraception pills start to lose effectiveness for them. If you decide to take a birth control pill, ask your doctor how long you should use another form of birth control until the pill takes effect. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Birth Control: Is the Diaphragm Right for You? 3. by Krystal Morris — Last updated: 2012-06-27 . There may be a few side effects in the beginning  — headaches, nausea, bloating, sporadic spotting, moodiness, et. You withhold the part of you that would create life. Latex condoms are a good choice. This means that if you suffer heavy flows and particularly awful cramps, these problems will come back. There are 3 types of emergency contraception in pill form that are sold both with and without a prescription. Pros and Cons of Other Birth Control Methods. A new non-hormonal gel called Phexxi is designed to use the body’s own vaginal environment. Use lubrication. © 2005 - 2021 WebMD LLC. Be careful when opening the condom wrapper. By using emergency contraception within 3 days of sexual intercourse, a woman can decrease her chances of getting pregnant. They're durable and may be more effective against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) than “natural” or “lambskin” condoms. Only use water-based lubricants. Drawbacks of Contraceptive Pills. :: An IUD can also be used as emergency contraception and is more effective at preventing pregnancy than taking an emergency pill. Studies have also shown that they reduce the development of uterine fibroids and in some cases shrink existing fibroids. Pros and Cons of Diaphragm | Diaphragm Contraceptive ProsCons February 23, 2019 Food, Health, Cosmetic & Medicine No comments A diaphragm is the barrier method for birth control where a soft rubber dome-shaped barrier is used to cover the cervix. The regular intake of birth control pills help clear the skin, but once you stop taking the contraceptive pills, these problems might resurface. 6. IUDs that use hormones are good for 3-5 years depending on which type you get. Let’s take a look at some Pros and Cons of IUD. You can also use spermicides -- gels, creams, and foams -- with other birth control or on their own. Understand the pros and cons to condom use as a contraceptive before using condoms. Other types of birth control work well in preventing pregnancy, but they don't protect you from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The legal battles continue. With birth control pills, there are no such issues. Put condoms on correctly. The following tables list some pros and cons of using hormonal birth control methods. For better protection, use a lubricant with spermicide. December 8, 2013. in Featured, ... Of course if every person (man or woman) simply assumes responsibility for themselves, then both partners will use contraception. 7. 10 Arguments for Abstinence . ", "Emergency Contraception." Store it right. Reduces the risk of … List of Pros of Birth Control in Schools. 21 Pros and Cons of Having Sex During Pregnancy, 21+ Main Pros and Cons of Hair Growth Supplements, 18 Pros and Cons of Drinking Water from Copper Utensil, 21+ Pros and Cons of Living in Bay of Plenty, 23+ Pros and Cons of Living in Hawke’s Bay, 24+ Pros and Cons of Living in Canterbury, Menstrual problems return if you stop taking the pill, Risk of pregnancy increases if you forget or skip the pill, You can get headaches and nausea while adjusting to the pill, The pill can be used after miscarriages or abortions. You need to be 17 to buy them if a prescription is needed. You have a lot of choices for birth control, from condoms to caps to pills. The Pros And Cons Of Contraception. They use hormones, similar to the ones in your body, to stop the release of an egg so that it can't get fertilized by sperm. However, critics believe that this is not the solution, instead they promote abstinence. However, if you are on the pill since your teens, and stop taking the pills in your twenties, your acne problems might wear out with puberty. Women can choose to have a tubal ligation in which the under general anesthesia, the fallopian tubes are closed off preventing eggs from reaching the ovaries. Taken every day, the birth control pill will regulate your hormones and prevent pregnancy with over a 99% success rate. Pros of contraception: You might not get pregnant. The pills amend your periods and reduce the risk of pregnancies. More or It is not 100% effective. You don't fully give yourself to your partner. Pros And Cons Of The Permanent Contraception Explained. This is also known as “having your tubes tied.”, For men, the permanent birth control option would be a vasectomy. Studies show that contraceptive injections can reduce the risk of developing uterine fibroids. Plan B, the emergency contraception that uses the same active ingredient as the Pill, was made available over-the-counter in 2006. Pros. Be prepared. Never use a condom that's been in a car's glove compartment for a while or crammed in a wallet. Most emergency contraception products are so-called "morning after" pills, but the copper-T IUD works as emergency contraception, too. What you should know to prevent pregnancy. IUDs are about 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. The pill works to reduce the risk of pregnancy in women by adjusting the menstrual cycle. With typical use, the male condom is about 80% effective. You’ll want to do these things so your birth control works: 1. This gel keeps the PH level of the vagina at its normally acidic level, killing the sperm. If you are not feeling like a non-invasive type of birth control, you can take the contraceptive pills right after. If a condom breaks, you may want to use emergency birth control just in case. Each of these are 99%-100% effective. Check expiration dates. It lowers the risk of condom tears. What I noticed from the majority of websites, is that they all provided generally the same information. If used perfectly every time, it prevents pregnancy 98% of the time. Pros of IUD. Don’t rely on birth control that's past its expiration date. The issues concerning birth control in schools have raised many pros and cons. Cons of oral contraceptives. As stated above, birth control has been around for a very long time and can take any number of forms. Don't risk tearing the condom by opening it with scissors or your teeth. Preventing Dropouts Due to Pregnancy. As you put it on, hold the tip to prevent an air bubble from forming. There’s a slightly increased risk of blood clots in taking the contraceptive pill, however if you smoke there’s a greater risk. They can be purchased over the counter and are 70-80% effective. Long lasting: providing three years of contraception; Generally well tolerated; Doesn’t contain oestrogen: no risk of stroke. In the heat of the moment, you’re not going to stop to read the instructions in the box. There is no doubt that teen pregnancy can be prevented to a great extent through proper birth control methods. Talk to your doctor or nurse to make sure you are taking the correct pills and dose.