Ha!!! [–]falloutz0ne 40 points41 points42 points 4 years ago (0 children). [–]bosefius 29 points30 points31 points 4 years ago (0 children). On the show's website, Flowers cited the same four news articles that Warder had sourced for his episode. Many fans expressed disappointment with the allegations, and said they had noticed a few other episodes had been deleted, such as Episode 73, the case of Kirsten Hatfield, Episode 45, the case of Angela Savage, and Episode 27, the case of Misty Copsey. They may have tried and received pushback because she was "obviously" a runaway. [–]iamthejury 55 points56 points57 points 4 years ago (2 children). Krish Vignarajah has been in survival mode for four years as the Trump administration slashed refugee admissions by 85%. [–]Zarradox 19 points20 points21 points 4 years ago (0 children). The private conversation also rings true to me. ET. Esther Ludlow, who has hosted the Once Upon a Crime podcast for three years, said she personally researches and produces her podcast, and cites sources in her episode notes. Either way, not only is it none of our business, but we also have zero basis to diagnose members of her family with personality disorders and speculate on their physical/emotional/sexual abuse of her. You don't walk away from your family like that completely (as I did; no contact with my mother in 20 years) unless some serious shit went down, and she got zero support from the mother. [–][deleted] 95 points96 points97 points 4 years ago (38 children). [–]rsb225 90 points91 points92 points 4 years ago (32 children). Her main motivation appears to be that she is a cosmopolitan, urban lawyer and she comes from a family of hayseeds and weirdos - oh, the horror!!! [–]raphaellaskies 15 points16 points17 points 4 years ago (2 children), Her husband seems to be a very "go with the flow" kind of guy. He had photos of Jason Callahan from when they briefly lived together but couldn't remember his name. I learned from my brother that she tells people she "was always there for" me and that she paid my rent for years. How to use phenomenon in a sentence. I don't know, theoretically if I took the identity of a dead person I might act pretty paranoid in years to come, more and more people who take identities this way are being found out. Then again, whatever happened, I can't see how the young cousins would be involved. [–]sugarandmermaids 57 points58 points59 points 4 years ago (5 children). CU extended that run to 15-0, and really never looked back from there. What caused her to go to somewhat extreme lengths to protect and preserve her changed identity we may never know, but we DO know is that was what she wanted and desperately needed for herself. When I worked in radio, they sent me a HUGE box of books of questionable subject matter hoping we'd interview the authors. While I'm super glad for everyone (inc her biological and spousal families) that they've had answers, we can't forget that she WAS Lori Erica Kennedy/Ruff. Is this weird? Yeah, there's probably more to the story that hasn't been released yet. But 18 is absolutely a normal age to start having symptoms of a major mental illness. I got a weird vibe, especially how they worded her teenage years. Akoya did say repeatedly that Lori/Kimberly had a "very good reason" to disappear and change her identity. IMO, most seem happier. "After just a few minutes it sounded very familiar.". It was an easier thing to do back then, in fact (something which I think was noted or at least alluded to in the first newspaper article). Her family says they tried to find her. That 10 point lead by the Utes vanished with a quick 10-0 run by the Buffs in the first four minutes of the second half. "I [feel] like this is a very grey area...as long as CJ cite the reference I don't see why she can't use it," wrote one person. Trish Regan is an award winning financial journalist, an American television talk show host and author who interprets political events through an economic lens. [–]sceawian 37 points38 points39 points 4 years ago (8 children), [–]allgoaton 20 points21 points22 points 4 years ago (6 children). It's kind of gross to me that Velling accepts the narrative of the McLean/Cassidy family without any question. Just reading between the lines, I suspect that her stepdad was abusive, her mom was an enabler who blamed Lori, and Lori decided she wanted nothing more to do with these people. [–]zaffiro_in_giro 28 points29 points30 points 4 years ago (0 children). “I was appalled they would take somebody's work in such detail," she said. I am impressed at her ability to find and adopt a new identity after leaving home at such a young age. Perhaps this was her. you couldn't google 'what to do if a family member is missing' and everyone wasnt an amateur detective. Not saying that little lucky breaks don't help in most cases, but typical amateur sleuth style searching can only go so far when someone isn't reported missing. I tend to agree. “I just ask that they offer credit where credit is due and be transparent where they are getting their information.". I'm convinced s/s88 really did date Kimbery McLean though. In that circuit, she might have met someone who could explain the techniques for obtaining a new identity. ), [–]66666thats6sixes 151 points152 points153 points 4 years ago (21 children). Could they have filed a missing person's report under those circumstances? if she left on her own maybe the didnt consider her 'missing' so much as choosing to be gone. But it's also possible that they weren't and Lori's identity change was just a result of teenage angst or mental illness or some other personal feeling about how her life should go or something. FWIW I've got a pretty good life nowadays :), [–]tortiecat_tx 50 points51 points52 points 4 years ago (0 children). [–]mcm_housewife 24 points25 points26 points 4 years ago (4 children), [–][deleted] 11 points12 points13 points 4 years ago (3 children). Her mother may not have known why she up and disappeared, but someone else may have. [–]code_vector 154 points155 points156 points 4 years ago (16 children). There have been people who specialized in faking new identities and even books about it since long before the Internet. I also grew up with a sister who flat out lied to make herself look like a victim of abuse (lots of dark hinting, sometimes more than that) and has distances herself from the rest of the family as an adult. And I'm sure we all have someone in our lives who, once they've made a decision, can't ever be talked out of it. A few better methods than the ones listed above exist, but we feel they should not be made this public. Thank you for posting this. [–]mcm_housewife 14 points15 points16 points 4 years ago (2 children). I don't think (or hope) she would have wanted to leave her daughter. Hosts Brooke Gladstone and Bob Garfield examine threats to free speech and government transparency, cast a skeptical eye on media coverage of the week’s big stories and unravel hidden political narratives in … Yeah there were a lot of people who had really firm, opposite of mundane explanations for this case-I have read everything from her being a man to her being in the mob or hunted by the mob. [–]tortiecat_tx 232 points233 points234 points 4 years ago (103 children). "Sounds good to me", [–]qualis-libet 32 points33 points34 points 4 years ago* (2 children). It's possible that they were abusers. [–]ford_clitaurus 7 points8 points9 points 4 years ago (0 children). [–]LivingwithED 40 points41 points42 points 4 years ago (20 children). It has a whole section on how to make a fake ID specifically, but some on assuming a new identity using existing documents, like a birth certificate. [–]morbid-mystery 33 points34 points35 points 4 years ago (0 children), Maybe somethings were happening at the home that aren't being said, [–]tortiecat_tx 31 points32 points33 points 4 years ago (3 children). I like this paragraph of O'Hagan's article. The police likely would not have accepted a report if one was filed. There will be another version to the story when the Netflix Original comes out. She said the project "sucked a big part of my soul," and she is still interviewed as an expert on the case for true crime media outlets. [–]zaffiro_in_giro 57 points58 points59 points 4 years ago (0 children). Fitzpatrick is directly quoted twice in the article. I've got a text out to my mom seeing if she can access the year book for me. There have been adults who have run away and lived a hidden life for a multitude of reasons other than "abusive family." Community: Breaking a story about Britta falling in love with someone and it's causing problems with the group. "Some ideas and theories I put together from several sources were presented on Crime Junkie’s episode as if they were Ashley’s own ideas," she said. I know I have had issues with my father and would not care if I never spoke to him again! [–]jesusyouguys 97 points98 points99 points 4 years ago (1 child). I wonder how she would be feeling right now to know her true identity was discovered? Glad the mystery is solved. [–]Texas-is-for-lovers 155 points156 points157 points 4 years ago (64 children). These people aren't necessarily hard to find, and I think would be easier to find in the circles a runaway is likely to be traveling in. “Kim never adjusted to the new house and the divorce,” he said. Robin Warder, who has hosted The Trail Went Cold podcast for three and a half years, also promotes his program by summarizing many of the episodes on the Unresolved Mysteries subreddit, where he lists all of his sources. [–]allgoaton 18 points19 points20 points 4 years ago (2 children). Wow. We would, in a way, have more closure with Lori's case if she had been a mob wife or a cult victim or something. I was never afraid that he would try to find me (apart from calling me when he was really depressed, he never did). ResolvedLori Kennedy/Ruffs real identity finally solved, Kimberly McLean (self.UnresolvedMysteries), submitted 4 years ago * by Iwannahumpalittle, The Seattle Times will be posting an article soon. Its not a normal way to live and hard to imagine the toll it must put on someone over that kind of time. When she was shown picture of him in IL, she contacted the FB page's admins and they helped her file under current policies. Wait, what? I am not sure. [–]rosemarysbaby 24 points25 points26 points 4 years ago* (8 children). I honestly thought this article was pretty poorly written, unfortunately. Sad that Lori felt she had to break ties with her relatives back east so completely. [–]raphaellaskies 12 points13 points14 points 4 years ago (0 children). I feel a little ashamed for being so curious, ha ha. If he hadn't seen the composite, it wouldn't have been solved. (rolls eyes). So how would I go about that? [–]Grave_Girl 35 points36 points37 points 4 years ago (1 child). They were very abusive, but consider themselves saints and perfect parents. . People too it to far at WS, [–][deleted] 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago (0 children). Maybe I just don't know how to Ancestry. I thought that was weird, too... maybe it means descendants of her siblings? how crazy of a meeting that must have been. "Oh, maybe this 20 year old dead hooker who was found in New Mexico in 1990 is actually this 5 year old who went missing in 1970 in Arkansas and she was kept in a room without light and it stunted her growth and she was sold into sex slavery and that's what happened. [–]chicken__soup 20 points21 points22 points 4 years ago (0 children), It is rumored that she worked as a stripper (see wiki). But Frye said she became angry when she heard several details in the episode that she had exclusively reported on in her series. Or, more simply, she happened to fall in with someone who knew how to procure records and craft legitimate fake identification. It's got to be a rather confusing time for the family, and pretty understandable if they want some privacy. Injuries, illnesses, bouts of homelessness, etc. In the episode, Flowers said she learned of the case "maybe in one other podcast episode," one "Reddit thread," and a "couple of news articles," but didn't specify the the sources. That was a lucky thing really. Just speculation, but maybe Kimberly's father knew what was going on, he might even have helped her out with money and visited her in Dallas from time to time. Oh my god what a year. The article gives her date of birth, parents names, high school attended...all this information. Now we are going to delve into the things she apparently didn't want anyone delving into? Her method might've had issues, but the family wouldn't have known about that. It wouldn't surprise me if he intentionally cut off ties from his family and told them not to look for him or if he didn't have much family anyway. The fact is we don't know what's happened - and frankly it's not even really any of our business, though i understand the curiosity (!). Flowers, a self-proclaimed "crime junkie" herself, launched the podcast in December 2017 after working with her local Crime Stoppers. At least it'll be up on the site. And so it's easy to view things through the lens of child abuse. Now all that talk of her looking older just seems insulting. But I also remember all the signs of mental illness she displayed in her last days, and I remember distinctly thinking "Maybe she just ran away, to get away." [–]Eastern_Cyborg 32 points33 points34 points 4 years ago (1 child). Your friend can replace the originals without too much trouble. [–][deleted] 23 points24 points25 points 4 years ago (0 children). Can phenomena be used as a singular? It's interesting in the aftermath to see all the certainties and beliefs that were wrong. I'd love to see this one updated. [–]TresGay 33 points34 points35 points 4 years ago (1 child). Why would police take a missing person report for someone that voluntarily left? The organization also has plans to put up a billboard in the Hamilton Road area and conduct canine searches in 2021, he said. They also have a fan club on Patreon, where fans can pay for extra content. With people still reacting to the news that the mysterious monolith discovered in Utah last week has vanished, an almost identical one has been found in Romania.. I am doing some poking around other sites and it seems like Kimberly had a sister who may have done the same thing, perhaps? Colorado wasn’t able to pull away from the Utes at any point, but the offensive ineptness in the second half by the Utes really … "I don't want your parents to hold our daughter." I can't imagine an 18 year old would have much money after leaving home. Maybe this is when she did her name change/steal an identity? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes people want to start over and choose their own life and identity. It's also possible that the stepdad was the reason she fled her family, and that she ran into a dangerous situation during the "missing two years" and decided to change her name for that reason. Same with Cali Doe. [–]Lord_Peter_Wimsey 43 points44 points45 points 4 years ago (1 child). I could be wrong though. "Something like this gives people the false impression that podcasters, and especially true crime podcasters, just read a Wikipedia article or other source and copy it verbatim.". Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. Unfortunately, a ton of people fall through the cracks. I do believe the divorce affected her and maybe that's why she really started to mentally deteriorate after Blake left. are the most likely to fall through the cracks and never be properly investigated. I got the feeling Akoya was not as involved as they were claiming, but I am also positive we don't have and probably won't get the full story from the family of why she left. [–]aaron2610 21 points22 points23 points 4 years ago (1 child). If the divorce was the problem, the problems would have started before her mom remarried. One thing that turned out to be incorrect was the belief that Lori was significantly older than her claimed age. There's a trend I see in society today of vilifying parents, accusing anyone less than perfect of being an abuser even with zero corroborating evidence, and acting like parents have complete control over their childrens' well-being (even when the "children" are adults). Margaret Diaz was 31 when she vanished from Tacoma in 1988. “People used to ask what I did for a living,” she recalled. The Peabody Award-winning On the Media podcast is your guide to examining how the media sausage is made. It's worth remembering that. "I took a listen to see how she had presented it," Ludlow said. [–]langis_on 35 points36 points37 points 4 years ago (2 children). I believe they published The Anarchist's Cookbook a well, but don't quote me on that. Not sure if that option works in the US. I just asked my mom and it was sometime around 1978, give or take. Those are the two biggest mysteries in my opinion and I doubt they will ever be unearthed. Or any thread about a missing or unidentified person for that matter. If it's anything that serious, it probably has to do with sexual assault. It could be a few different things. Why the incoherent scribblings? I remember a thread a couple of months back, something like 'Which mystery do you think stands a good chance of being solved?' I'm confused. It's a tragedy! They listened to a few episodes, and her daughter noticed the episode on Woody's case. [–]Jestyn 58 points59 points60 points 4 years ago (9 children). I hope that she somehow is able to find the comfort in death that she so desperately sought in life. I also find it curious that her husband got a lot of flack for saying "oh, okay" - just accepting her explanations about not wanting to talk about her past - and her mother's response to her leaving at 18 seems to be pretty similar. [–]tortiecat_tx 56 points57 points58 points 4 years ago (0 children). A little anti-climatic, but I'm glad nonetheless! [–]StabbyLaLa 8 points9 points10 points 4 years ago (0 children). It's all speculation... [–]RandomUsername600 14 points15 points16 points 4 years ago (0 children), Wow, we really know who she was ! Jeez first Jacob Wetterling and now this? The police refused to take the report because they said that Floyd, as their step father, had the legal right to take them away. She left at 18, said to not look for her. How does a dead child have descendants? But the way they put it, honestly, it doesn't sound like they necessarily accept the family's story; they just don't have any alternative to offer so they pass it on and make it clear that it is the family's story. Wow. It seems as if her parents perhaps didn't know Kimberly very well. But we will probably never know, [–]ooken 140 points141 points142 points 4 years ago (28 children). [–]Yearley 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago (0 children), The Paper Trip and its sequels were one of the first published: http://highfrequencyradionetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/The-Paper-Trip-II.pdf. [–]Atomic_Telephone 56 points57 points58 points 4 years ago (1 child). Featuring actor Idella Johnson and our personal takeaways of films we watched during the festival. [–][deleted] 4 points5 points6 points 4 years ago (1 child). REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 21728 on r2-app-09f0371966b86836e at 2021-02-12 13:12:48.832806+00:00 running 3853730 country code: TR. Contact Stephanie McNeal at stephanie.mcneal@buzzfeed.com. "Sure, okay." I'd like to hear other people -- her high school friends, boyfriends? What strikes me as interesting is that she didn't just change her name, she went to enormous lengths to hide her identity and herself. WTF kind of investigator is he? My family would say the same thing. She's had to close a … I honestly think it's a good thing her daughter can know about them. In June 2018, she said she noticed Crime Junkie also covered the case. Might be my own biases/history, but it screams abusive stepfather to me as well. He didn't even abuse me! In their Facebook statement, the hosts wrote their podcast "would not be possible absent the incredible efforts of countless individuals who investigate and report these stories originally, and they deserve to be credited as such.". But we don't know what happened in this particular instance, and it's rotten to throw accusations at people who are likely going through a very rough time. I thought his former roommate or friend came forward after noticing a resemblance? "We are committed to working within the burgeoning podcast industry to develop and evolve its standards on these kinds of issues," they said. [–]Lord_Peter_Wimsey 72 points73 points74 points 4 years ago (7 children). Maybe I have a low moral compass lol but a written article and an episode of Crime Junkie are usually very different.". Warder specifically cited a passage at 19:25 of Crime Junkie Episode 25, in which he claims Flowers is "practically reading verbatim" from his Reddit post. Plus she told them not to come after her, technically it's good for her sake that they weren't able to find her. [–]Tighthead613 12 points13 points14 points 4 years ago (5 children). With a little imagination you'll have no trouble. [–]zuesk134 15 points16 points17 points 4 years ago (5 children), plus it's important to remember this is pre internet and law and order SVU playing every hour on the hour. [–]tortiecat_tx 207 points208 points209 points 4 years ago (13 children). Yeah. Minus, that is, most of their followers. In all fairness, I doubt there are many (if any) law enforcement agencies that are going to open a missing persons case for a person of age (18 when she left home) who specifically told her mom/family that she was leaving for good and not to try to find her. We never did (They were plugging the cannibalism book at the time). It would be so weird after wondering all this time.. [–]KittikatB 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago (0 children). The hosts of the popular true crime podcast Crime Junkie have been accused by a former journalist and multiple fellow podcasters of using their work in episodes without credit — and then quietly deleting the episodes after being called out. She was 18 and told her mother she was leaving and not to come looking for her. Agreed. It seems he was a remarkably uncurious sort. Sometimes I guess reality is mundane. And, by the time his mother genuinely believed something was wrong, years had gone by and she didn't think the police would take her seriously, nor did she know where to start. She was never able to truly escape Kimberly, not in her mind (I feel she suffered from a mental illness), and now not by name. We'll never know, but it's not fair to just assume that no one would change their identity without a "good" reason. He may be living his life out there, or maybe he's on one of these pages. In a way I was lucky, once I didn't want to see him anymore, he let me go. Why did she keep saying that revealing her identity would endanger the daughter? He'll be your typical 'normal' guy with a wife and kids who goes to church and had a thing for killing people when he was younger and wanted some Jack the Ripper level notoriety to make himself feel more important than he actually is. She gave birth to a baby!!! Such people weren't always as rare as our modern sensibilities might cause us to think they might be. A guy on imgur recognized a composite as an old roommate, who just happened to love The Grateful Dead.